After the audition

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Jaden: Hey y/n why you running

You: ermmm my mum called I need to be somewhere as soon as I can

Jaden: Sorry about what just happened back there I just got lost in your eyes.

I blush and look down at my feet trying not to make eye contact with him. We stood there in an awkwardly romantic flirty silence. I tried to stay quite so I didn't say anything stupid.

Jaden raised my head by my chin with his index finger the stared into my eyes as he cupped my cheeks as he softly pressed his lips int mine.i felt butterflies in my stomach and saw fireworks even though my eyes were shut.He gently uncupped my face and we pulled away at The same time. Still not trying to make eye contact with him.

You: well I have to go but we should (I look at him)...we...should ermm...

Jaden: Chill sometime (he said with a cute smirk)

You: right we should chill sometime (I say whilst running to my mums car.

Jaden: (calling for me as I run off) I didn't catch your number

But it was to late you were gone.


Mum: So how was it how'd you do

Me: (not concentrating because trying to text best friend Deseree) yeah it was really good.

Mum:do you think you have a shot.?

Me:Not sure...Er Mum can you drop me at the mall

Mum: Sure sweetie anything for my little superstar actress

Me: I haven't got the part yet...

Mum: Yeah but I know you will


Me: Meet me at the at the mall...ASAP...

Deseree: On my way


Mum:be back by 10 for dinner

Me: kayy love you bye (gives her a kiss)

I rush over to the store and I straight away spot Deseree because she's the only one not in a crazy crowd of screaming girls I wonder what thats about

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