Part 2

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I looked at him with wide eyes and stopped the car with a sudden break.
He winked at me.
"Are you serious?" I asked shocked turning to look at him and instantly took his hand, remembering it was the right hand and touch his knuckles.

"When you said the other day, you got hurt it was not because you fall down from your cycle but because you punched a tree?" I asked totally surprised.

"You still, remember?" He asked excited and astonished and held my hand tightly.
And just like that, I was distracted.
"For different reasons, but I clearly remember that night and the next day," I said, still trying to take in all the things he was saying.

"What reasons?" He asked distractedly.
"Please continue," I asked him I didn't want to start talking just yet.
He pouted and continued when I eyed him.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, still holding my left hand. I slowly started the engine again and started driving as I removed my hand from his to change the gear; He looked at me I didn't turn but I was smiling for no reason. Then unexpectedly he places his hand on my hand over the gear and pressed it. I bite my lip, hiding my smile.

"You are distracting me," he said, smiling.
I looked at him and pouted.
"Don't look at me like that or else I will kiss you." He said seriously.

I smiled widely and winked at him, encouraging him to kiss me. I was happy, as he was with me and holding my hand. It was everything that I prayed once.

"You should, but first, tell me the whole story," I said, controlling my smile.
He looked outside the window and and continued.

"I swear it was very disturbing to see you cry. I mean I had always seen you smile and happy and never ever thought of you being sad. I closed my eyes I couldn't see you like this but then I open my eyes and wished you would have stopped; but you didn't and that moment I prayed to God to make you stop and I promised that I will do anything to keep you smiling, will never bring tears to your eyes ever. As I prayed, I hugged the tree and saw you with tearful eyes, and then you said something." he paused shaking his head and closed his eyes, it was like he wanted to remove the memory from his head.
"I don't remember me saying anything," I said, confused.
I remember that day clearly but I didn't recall saying anything.

"You said, it would have been nice if you would have never been born," he whispered.

My eyes grew wide, now I remembered I did say that and asked God why did he gave me such a family were the only thing I got in return was sadness and tears. I wished I would die and was angry with God and wanted him to come in front of me to explain to me my wrongdoing for which I got this family as a punishment..

"I remember" I replied softly and rubbed my eyes. It had started burning, and I didn't want to cry now.
"So, when I heard you say those words, it was a shock to my core and at that moment I realized that I loved you, and I always want to be there with you for you at your good days and for the worst. I can't explain at that time, but all I ever wished was to be with you and make you smile.

And as I prayed I realized how much you had changed me, I was standing there and spying on you because I was addicted to your smile and I wanted to smile and now I was standing here a totally different person wishing to bring a smile to your face and not bother for myself. And at that moment I knew it. I loved you. I had loved you all along and that was the day when I knew I could never live without you." He stopped.

I didn't know what his expression was; I was looking ahead and remembering the day. I was stunned because the next was the same day when I admitted to myself that I loved Aly.

"Say something," he said worriedly.
I stopped the car and parked it at the side road in front of a hotel and turned to look at him.

"The next day you hugged me saying you had a rough night and needed that hug to calm yourself. And you kept asking me if I was ok and assured me that you were there for me if I need to talk or need anything? It was the same day that you started making jokes and started flirting with me and made me laugh. It was the same day that I thought I was seeing you for the first time and that evening I wrote first time I loved
you" I paused and stared at him with wide eyes, remembering How I felt different around him and it was like he was different as if he was a totally different person.

As I told him it was the same day, I admitted I loved him; he smiled.
I blinked twice to reconfirm was he really smiling, and he was. He was holding my hand and was smiling as I said I loved him too.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.
"Just appreciating the moment with you; you have no idea how much I have missed you and listening to you saying that you loved me too makes my heart ache for you more." He said smiling.

I couldn't help but blush on his words. Yes, I loved him and I still do.

"So later what happened"I asked, distracting him from this attraction or desire to kiss him. He smiles and continues.

"Later for two years I loved spending time with you and every day I spent was a special day. My day would start with your pretended smile for which I would make jokes and you would start smiling; my happiness and evening time I would get worried and sometimes I would be angry but then again the next, new day would start and I would start my mission to make you smile." He smiled when he said that.

I was quietly looking into his eyes as I relived my best part of life from his view.
Then he clucked and looked down as if he was embarrassed.

"What?" I asked curiously. have to admit some things never change" he said, shaking his head.

"Why do you say that?" I asked worriedly.
"Those two years that I spent loving you was my life's best time, but also it was the hardest. Seeing you every day so close to me, holding your hands and carrying you around and holding you made me crazier for you. I spend most of the time daydreaming of kissing you" He paused, looking at me with longing and desire.

"And now sitting here so close and once again holding your hand, it's taking my whole strength to control myself and not just lean in and kiss you." He said biting his lower lips, and I blinked.

And then he burst out laughing, making me jump and wiping his eyes while laughing. He was messing with me, but to be honest, it felt real, was he hiding his true feeling behind this laughter? I wonder and looked at him suspiciously.

I assumed he was hiding his feeling because just now he admitted how he hid his feelings with me when we were at school. I didn't laugh with him but took the chance to calm myself and drink some water. We were still parked outside a hotel and I was not sure how much more we had to drive. After he was done laughing, he stopped and drank some water.

"Are you done? Or you still want to make fun of me?" I asked raising my one eyebrow.
"i m done, but I'm not laughing at you.I mean I'm laughing on myself and how idiot I'm" He informed wiping his tears from laughing.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"For two years I was scared to ask you out. I mean every day I would decide to tell you about how I feel but every day I would not. The more I tried to talk to you the more scared I got, then on the last day when you told me about Priti and some random guy and when I jokingly asked if you would go out with someone and when you took a whole minute to consider the option, it changed me. Thinking about you with someone else gave me guts to ask you
out" he started laughing again I couldn't help but clucked.

"And the thought of you with someone else made me jealous. So, I guess some things don't change," he said, still smiling.

"So, you're referring to the fact that you still get jealous if you think me with someone else?" I asked, smiling.

As I said that he instantly stopped smiling and looked at me with the creased forehead; suddenly serious.
"I'm not jealous," he stated with seriousness.

"Oh! Did you forget me dancing at the engagement party?"I asked amused.
"How will I ever forget that? When you are there to remind me all the time again and again?" He complained.

"Hey, I'm just saying no need to cry" I rolled my eyes.
"Really" he challenged.
I started laughing, now it was my turn to laugh.
"So, you loved me ha?" he suddenly asked with excitement.

I rolled my eyes as I started the engine again.

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