part 2

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"Maybe till morning, I can think about him loudly and then I can start my life fresh again." I asked myself.

Just a few hours more, I thought, and I removed my diary from my bag and pulled out both envelops. I pulled out the letter from the first envelope and read loudly.

My Best Friend.
Dear Jas,

I have known you from past 12 years now and trust me I have not seen anyone like you ever in my life.
You have always been there for me. When I needed a friend, you helped me and been my partner in crime. I
adore you and you are my best friend.

Every day you smile and show the world that you are so strong and so happy, but I have seen you crying
alone, I have witnessed it. I have seen you being alone crying and writing al the time. I wished that I could
stop your pain, but I couldn't because at night no matter how much you would cry in the morning you would again have a smile on your face.

No matter what happened! You still had a smile on your face and even when I would ask you, you always said nothing Im fine and smiled.

I don't understand why you pretended to be happy; I mean I have never seen you fighting or abusing, if It was too much for yo14, you would sit alone and cry or write. Iknow you have family problens and seeing you in such pain wounds me too. I wanted to help
you somehow, but you never needed anyones help, you
were always there smiling.

1 adore you so much and I respect you for that; I have seen no one with such a nice soul. You are ny favourite person on this planet and you will always be that no one can change that.

But I dont want to stay your friends anymore. I cant  just pretend that everything is OK and start the day
again with regrets. Nothing is okay for me and Im not you so sorry, from now on, I will stop pretending of being your friend and move on and I guess you should stop pretending too and start living your life.

Yes, Im leaving India and I can't stay your friend anymore.


As I read his letter again, I felt a new pain in my heart. Every time I read this, every time it had the same effect on me, shock, hurt and sadness.

Shock because how did he know; I was pretending, and I cried all night. I never shared anything with anyone, but yet he knew about my family problem and me crying I felt hurt because he didn't want to be my friend, because of my sadness, since I was sad all the time and he didn't like me because he knew I was pretending.

And worst of all feeling was sadness, sad because he left me forever with just a breakup letter. My eyes were still wet I didn't wipe my tears I let them flow.

I hold the unopened envelop To my  girlfriend."
the reason I didn't want to read it or I never opened it before was, I never had the guts to open it. I knew it was a breakup letter, and I had already lost a best friend and I was not ready for him to break up with my love too

. Though he kissed me and asked me out, for me, it was something more. Because I loved him, he was the reason for my smile; I didn't want him to get hurt or to feel sorry for me. I loved him with my whole heart and I was not ready to lose his love too, so I never opened this letter.

But now,
"Can I do it?" I asked myself.
"Am I ready to read his break up letter now?" I asked myself.

I remembered his reaction when he found out I didn't read, but am' I ready now? I thought about it for a few minutes and I hugged his letter to my heart and started

"No, I can't let his love go, not even now.
I love him and I will always love him but I will never let his love die just as his friendship has."

As I cried: I curled up in bed. I didn't want to move nor did I sleep; I stayed awake and remembered him, every part of him. I didn't want to but did it, anyway. I was not aware of the time; I just stared blankly at the wall.

As time passed; warm yellow rays wafting through the window touched my skin, it felt warm. Dust modes were floating, the light was suspended from the ceiling, in the
air. It was a beautiful yet sad day. It was too bright to look at, but yet the warm rays on my skin felt like a relaxing sensation of peace. I closed my eyes as it was too bright for my eyes. It was only one morning that I
woke up in his arms and today this morning was beautiful yet incomplete without him.

I longed for his arms, his chest.

What he must be doing now? I wondered. And the doorbell rang. I got up and looked at the watch it showed10:50 a.m.

It's late I thought and quickly ran my hands through my hairs and wiped my face with my palms. I didn't want them to freak out looking at me.

I opened the door; Bharti and Avikaa were whispering something as I opened the door and they stopped. For two second, we just looked at each other than I hugged Bharti as she was standing close to me. She patted
my back then I hugged Avika too, and they stepped in.

"Good morning." I wished them as cheerfully as I could.
"Morning" They both replied at the same time, which made us giggle.
"How are you?" I asked, fetching them some water, and they sat on the sofa.
"Man feeling so bored to go back to work"Avika cried.
"You are always bored only." Bharti teased her.

"No, Avika is right, even I'm feeling bored to go to work," I replied Bharti.

"From when are you joining back?" Bharti asked as I sat on the folding chair opposite them.

"Today from second half, I will work for half a day today. I can't wait for tomorrow to get over, then it will be weekend again." I said with little excitement.

"Yeah, come let's do something, Movie?" Avika asked.
"i'm in, Saturday or Sunday will decide tomorrow." I agreed happy to occupy myself with things.

"I will reconfirm tomorrow, let me check how much work is pending for me," bharti replied thoughtfully.
"I will make some tea." I got up.
"No, we don't want." They both tried toconvince me.

"Be quiet, no need to do formality with me." I stick my tongue at them and walk towards the kitchen.

They made their self-comfortable at my home and went into my bedroom. I took some snacks and tea for all of us. I didn't want to eat, but I promised myself that I will try to move on. And to do that I need to be normal, act normal and stop crying. I got fresh too.

"Thank you for getting my luggage" I said as I placed the tray on the bed between us and I sat too.

You're welcome," Avika replied while taking a cup and some biscuits.
"Hey what happened to your neck?" Avika asked surprised.

"What?" I asked and touched my neck, my skin felt tender and rough under my fingers. I placed my cup down and got up to look at the mirror. I glance at my neck on my closet door. As I gaze at it, my eyes grew
wide, and I turned to face Avika.

"It's a..." I said slowly, not being able to complete the sentence.
"A hickey" Avika completed my sentence, her eyes grew wide too and a wide grin spread across her face.
"Cool," she complimented, which made me blush.

Aly's kiss last night left its mark. It distracted me, and I sat down again.

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