Part 5

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"Dear Jasu,

I know you must be sad because you lost your best friend, but as I said, Im not sad to lose you as a friend, because you are not my friend anymore you are more than that. You are my life now: you are my reason to live. I love you and you dont deserve me. Im selfish and I only think about myself but it's true that I love you so much.

I still remember that day before you started feeding me with chocolates. You were sitting across me and drawing. When you finished drawing, you were so pleased with yourself that you started clapping and giggling. Looking at you so happy, I smiled too. It was
after a long time that I smiled happily"

He paused and smiled at me.

I was in shock. Did he say he loved me? It was written in that letter?

Confused I had a few questions I wanted to ask but kept my mouth shut. I felt the worst was about to come any moment now.

"Are you there with me?'" He asked as I didn't return his smile. I nodded, and he continued

My mother died when I was three"I gasped and pulled my hands to my mouth before any other sound comes out.

He paused and looked at me. My eyes were wide in surprise. I knew about his mother, but he never spoke about her. The fact that he mentioned her in my letter shocked mento the core. He came closer and pulled my
hands away from my mouth.

"It's ok, I'm not sad anymore." He patted my back, and I tried to calm myself. He waited patiently for a few seconds before continuing.

My mother died when I was three. I remembered her playing with me in water I remembered her smiling and calling me her little prince. She made me smile and made me giggle. So, when she died, she took away my happiness with her I was small so no one explained to me what exactly happened to her, but it made me sad.

My dad and I shifted here from Delhi after a few months. After a year, I joined the school. No one could make me smile nothing brought happiness to me. I stopped smiling altogether but that day when I saw you smiling and happy I felt true happiness aftera long time.

it made me happy and without thinking I smiled too. From that day, it attracted me to you or you can say I was addicted to you, to your smile. So, I followed you the whole day.

I walked behind you so that I could smile whenever you would smile. And oh god! You had a smile on your face for the whole day My cheeks were paining at the end of the day but I was really and truly happy

Then for a few days, I kept following you, wherever you went followed you. Then the miracle day came. It was the day when I was standing beside you and you gave me your chocolate. I was happy that you spoke to me, you gave me your chocolate, I started eating but you kept making weird faces, but I still continued eating because it was you who gave me. Then the next day I was driving a toy car around you and then you came running towards me and again gave me your chocolate, again I asked you to eat with me and you said we can share, I was happy that you spoke to me and then you smiled a big smile and it made me smile too, with that I prayed that this should never end. With God grace from that day till now you nevernstopped feeding me chocolates. Though I don't know the reason why you gave me chocolates, I loved you from the day 1 first saw you. You pulled me out of my misery; Yu made me smile at the time when it was impossible for me to be happy

Afer my mother died, I never thought I would be happy again, but you made me happy and from past 12 years each day was more special than the last."He paused for a breath and continued.

I wrote that you lost your friend today and that you will never see him again, thats true because I cant stay your friends anymore that friendship is dead now.

For me you have always been more than just a friend.
Every time I saw you, I fell in love with you all over
again. Every time you smiled, I felt like to hold you and never let you go. Even when it was your worst day you were crying you still stayed strong and smiled and
made others smile along with you.

I love you very much Jasmin . Im sorry that I cant say this in person, but I m scared that you don't feel about
me the same way I feel about you. I have known you for 12 years and I know you love me, but you love me as a best friend and I can't bear the pain of you rejecting me.

I can't stay with you as a friend because I love you more and I can't keep pretending anymore. I love you and you are my life now and I want to spend the rest of the life with you.

I m leaving for the USA yes thatš true, we are shifting because my father has kidney operation and my uncle want him to come and stay with them also; We need to start the treatment as soon as possible. But this sifting is not permanent as he told other people: he said that because he didnt want people to know But I swear to
you I will come back for you.

As I know you, reading this you must be thinking why didn't I shared this before? And if I was leaving why did I kiss you? The answer is No. I didn't know about my father until ten minutes ago. And I was done being your friend. When you told me about priti and some random guy, it was a joke when I asked you if you would go out with someone. You took a minute to answe; and it made me jealous. I couldn't see you with anyone, you are mine.

So, I asked you. I know my proposal was very lame, but I was so happy that you told me YES, you cant even imagine how I felt when I said I LOVE YOU loudly for the first time to you. The kiss was so magical and so perfect. I hoped you liked my kiss better than my proposal.

I m crying now while writing this as Im going away from you for some time, Im scaredfor my dad as well.
Not sure what is hurting me more leaving you or my dad almost have a chance of having a cancer I will miss you and I will always love you." He paused again and wiped his eyes.

"jas! Can I ask you something? I know you would Say yes.
The reason I didn't let you say; I Love You back was because I know it must be very tempting to have your best friend as your boyfriend. But I don't want it to be an experiment that if it didn't work out, then we could leave each other. I can't lose you forever I have seen enough and Im sure about my decision, to be with you forever

I promise to give you all the happiness of the world and keep you smiling for the rest of our lives. I promise to love you as n0 one has ever loved. I love you.

I promise never to bring tears in your eyes and to be there to hold your hand if you cried. I miss you

Jasmin I have a request. if you don't feel the same about
me, then please don't call me. But if by any luck even you love me too then please call me at +1-20567143.
I m sad now and it's only you who can make me smile.
I love you and I will wait for your call.

- With lots of love.

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