part 2

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"jasmin's father got her chocolates every day, and she enjoyed eating it and never share it with anyone. So, one day I don't know why, but she looked at her chocolate for a minute and then suddenly gave it to Aly who was standing beside her.

He took it and asked, You don't want to eat?' She shook her head no, so he opened it and ate it. jas kept looking at him with a weird expression. Still, I don't know why she gave him her chocolate." He stopped and looked at me for an answer.

"Continue, I will tell you why," I promised him.
"This should be interesting," Aly whispered. His word made me grin..

"Next day again she had a bar of chocolate, Aly was
playing, he was driving a toy car. She took her chocolate and ran towards him. He got up from the car and she gave him her chocolate again. Now I was filled with curiosity, I had seen her enjoying eating her chocolate but I had never seen her sharing one before and now it was two days in a row.

Aly took her chocolate and again asked her, "You don't
want to eat? "We will share' she told him, so he opened it and did two pieces and gave her one. She took a small bite first and then smiled widely at Aly. He smiled too and then they played together.

From next day jasmin always brought two chocolates one for herself and one for him." sir said with a smile and interest.

"Now when I think about it, why did you give him your
chocolate?" He asked thoughtfuly.
"Yes, why did you give me your chocolate?" Aly asked
with surprise and continued.
"You know I always wondered why you gave me chocolates every day. You know, sir, she brought it every day till the last day of the school." He informed everyone.

When he mentioned the 'til1, the last day of the school' a
fresh pain ran through my heart. I never intended to stop
bringing him chocolate; It was just that he stopped meeting me altogether by leaving me.

Everyone was looking at me and I just kept grinning and
eating; hiding my inner struggle. Honestly, it embarassed me to admit the truth, why I gave him my chocolate.

"Are you waiting for an announcement? To tell us why you did that?" Avika asked.
"Are you sure you all don't want it to remain a mystery?" I
asked awkwardly.
"Please, I want to know" Aly said, and instantly holding
my hand under the table and pressing it.

I took a deep breath and started my version of the story. And he let go of my hand.
"When I was small, I didn't enjoy eating green stuff. It was because of bitter melon, but my mom would force it in my mouth to eat, but I was a stubborn kid, so I would chew it for some time and when my mom would look at TV, I would remove it from my mouth and would slowly throw it under the table without her noticing" I clucked remembering and continued.

"So, one day I got caught, when my father found something green, a type of ball came under his foot. He asked my mother, and I pretended to know nothing about it. After examining my mother told him that it was bitter melon and Roti chewed out."

"Ewe." Avika made a sound and covered her mouth with her hand.
"Hey don't judge me," I warned her.
"So anyway, every day my dad, use to bring different
flavours of chocolates. I loved fruits, and I loved the colours.

Yellow for Mango and Banana, Red for Apple, Pink for
Strawberry, Orange for Orange, White for Milk, and Brown for Chocolate. So, I ate all these fruits and also I ate chocolates too." Then I stopped and looked at Aly.
"Don't get mad" I begged and continued before he could
"The chocolate my dad use to bring; had the wrapper of the flavour of what the chocolate had. Mango so yellow wrapper, Strawberry means pink wrapper. Milk means white wrapper.
So, one day my father brought me green wrapper chocolate."

TRUE LOVE (PART 2) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon