IM PREGNANT!!!!! (Ali's POV)

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I wake up and smile when the light hits my engagement ring. When I feel a sick feeling in my stomach. And I race to the bathroom making Neil follow me. I throw up and he holds my hair back. When i finish I brush my teeth, rinse out my mouth, and lean back on neil.

A: ugh I feel like crap
N: I hate you feel so bad.
A: *wide eyed*
N: what you think
A: I'll be back baby *kisses neil and races to the drug store*

I drive to the drug and buy 3 pregnancy test pay for them and leave. I drive home and walk into house. I go to the bathroom and take the tests, turn them upside down. I come out

A: 15 minutes neil
N: for what
A: the tests
N: what can we do for 15 minutes
A: write, make out, watch HIMYM
N: make out
A: make out is it

I set the alarm on my phone to go off in 15 minutes. And neil and I start making out. We get lost in our session when the alarm goes off signalizing it's time to check the tests. I walk into the bathroom get the tests. I walk back to neil. I flip them over and we both see the 2 red lines.

A: I'm gonna be a mommy
N: and I'm gonna be a daddy.
A: *smiles* we aren't gonna tell anyone out this until I start showing in 3 months
N: *nods & places his hand on Ali's stomach* in 9 months we'll have a beautiful son or daughter.
A: wanna talk names so the baby is named until we know the gender
N: for a boy I like Conner, Cody, Neil jr, Bryan, Kyle, hogan, and Brantley
A: for a girl I like, Kyla, Hayley, Carrie, Jennifer, Brandi, Chelsie, and Daisy
N: Ohhh I like Hayley
A: middle name for Hayley
N: what about Marie
A: Hayley Marie Perry
N: beautiful.
A: I like Brantley
N: middle name for Brantley
A: Clark okay i'm stealing your middle name for Brantley since you stole mine for Hayley
N: Brantley Clark Perry
A: tough ring to it
N: unisex name until we find out
A: I was thinking Dallas until we find out
N: *nods*
A: I also need book an appt to make sure it wasn't a false positive
N: *nods* well get my dad to look.
A: Yay!!!!!

We lay cuddled together looking at different nurseries for the baby. We agreed to wait on painting the nursery until we find out if we're having a pink baby or boy baby. We are also look at ways to unveil the gender as a surprise. We also agreed to bring me out on stage at 8 months cause we're having the baby shower at 7 months so the fans know that Neil's gonna be a dad to a daughter or son. We also plan out our wedding

A: Neil love do you want the wedding before the baby or after
N: I was thinking 2 after
A: why the wait
N: that way our son could be the ring bear or daughter could be the flower girl.
A: awe wanting our babies to be in on the wedding
N: Yep.
A: barn, beach, or church
N: Barn
A: barn it is
N: *smiles and rubs Ali's stomach* ekkk I can't wait for baby bump to come in
A: you'll be so happy seeing the bump grow known you helped make him or her.
N: I couldn't have done it without you cause you give the egg.
A: *smiles*

We talk about everything. I see it its 1:53am yawn so Neil and i retreat to bed. I change and crawl into Neil. I feel him wrap his arms around me. I snuggle into Neil and lay on his chest. I listen to his heart and drift off to sleep.

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