Finale: An Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading this book! Give yourself a pat on the back and a shoutout in the comments, especially if you stuck around for the author's note. This story wouldn't have happened without the great support I've received on Wattpad. I love your comments, and I'd love to hear what you thought of the story overall. 

I originally wrote this story as a 5000-word short story five years ago and then turned it into a stage play. This is the third reincarnation of the story, and I've really had a lot of fun working on it, exploring each character in more depth than ever before. I've never written a story this long that didn't involve some magic, so this was both different and challenging. I feel like I've grown so much with this book, both as a writer and as a person. 

A million thanks to the theater that taught me it all. You're part of my inspiration and an amazing chapter in my life that I never want to forget. You taught me so much about lighting, sound, staging, creativity, and improv, and a surprising amount of that carries over into writing. The song above is for you. "Because happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you."

Thanks to my friends for listening to me; I am really excited about this project. You are amazing and supportive, and I couldn't have gotten through this without you. Thank you for not judging the literal tears that fell when I worked on several sections. 

Special thanks to the people who made a special impact and inspired parts of the characters. You will always be a part of me, and you live on forever in this story. I also cannot talk about this book without mentioning a loss that I suffered along the way. While no character in this book was inspired by a single person, someone who had a great influence on one of the main characters passed away while I was working on this book far too soon. Rest in peace, friend. 

A special shout out to the amazing person who helped me edit the original short version and the longer eight-scene play. You know who you are, and the two hours you helped me on a Google Doc comment section changed this story in ways I never expected. Thank you for talking me out of writing a fictional play for the characters to perform and suggesting As You Like It. Also, thank you for being my Parker and always taking my calls. 

After working with the material for so long, I finally have a fondness for the bard. As You Like It was a big influence on this book, and I felt like I was able to make a lot of parallels. I also want to thank my parents for listening and being patient as I worked on this book. You are superstars, and you inspire me every day. 

You can follow me @eliana_elf for more updates. I think I'll mostly be working on Summer Tempest for the time being while I sort out some fantasy plots that are floating around in my head. 

I hope you liked what you read. Congrats if you stuck it out this far. You deserve a shoutout! If you're interested in reading more quirky adventures that involve Shakespeare, check out Shayna's brother, Parker, in my story, Summer Tempest. Thanks again.

Eliana Hale

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