Chapter 6

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(Izuku POV)

I woke up and groaned into my pillow. I instantly shot up and ran to the bathroom down the hallway, I made it just before I threw up. After a few minutes of puking in the toilet, I stood up and brushed my teeth before I headed back to my room. I might as well get dressed now that I'm up. This was the fourth day I woke up and puked but apparently, that was normal. I pulled on my jeans and as I looked in the mirror I turned to the side running my hand over a very small bump. I smile as I struggle to button my jeans, I'm going to need some new clothes. I put on a white t-shirt and headed downstairs. My dad was sitting in the kitchen at the small table with coffee. As soon as I entered the room my stomach churned uncomfortably. My hand shot to my mouth trying to block the rancid smell. I ran back to the toilet and threw up again.

"Are you ok son?" my dad asked worried.

"Yeah but I don't think the baby likes coffee that much." I laugh. I brush my teeth again trying to get rid of the taste.

The mum-to-be group said I should keep some dry crackers around the house for when I'm feeling nauseous. They are geniuses, the crackers help instantly and I sit and nibble on them. I take a pack with me when we get into the car and my dad laughs at me. I rub my very small bump and smile.

"Dad we should be going to graduation today. I should be standing up there with Sho. Do you think he will be ok?" I say sadly as I take a deep breath.

"I know son, you know your mum is proud of you for everything you have done right. She...was looking forward to this day too. I'm sure Aizawa and all your friends are taking care of Shoto until we can see them again. But for now, let's focus on you two. We get to see a photo of the baby today." he said, trying to lift my spirits. I smile back at him as he starts the car.

We pull up to a hospital and head inside. It's small but nothing like the ones I'm used to. We eventually find the right place and are told to take a seat. I see other male mum's and I feel a bit more at ease. I was worried that people would ask loads of questions. We were only there about ten minutes when my name was called. The nurse-led us into a small room and told me to lie on the bed and the doctor would be just a moment. My dad sat on the seat next to me and I lay on the bed nervously. In came a small female doctor in her late forties I guess. She smiled at me as she sat next to me.

"Haruki Sato?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes, mam." I nodded my head at her nervously. She smiles at me putting me at ease.

"So you are a friend of Isla's. She is a good lass. So let's see how this baby is getting on shall we." She pulls my t-shirt up and puts a tissue paper on the waist of my jeans to stop them from getting covered in the gell.

She squirts it on my stomach and it's cold, I flinch a little and she smiles at me. The pen-like thing slides over my stomach and he instantly finds what she is looking for. She turns the monitor to me and points. This time I can clearly see the baby. It is kicking its small legs as it jumps across the screen. I put my hand up to my mouth as she presses a button and suddenly we can hear the baby's heartbeat. Tears fall down my cheeks as I stare at the monitor.

"So you are 15 weeks and 2 days so your due date is the 18th of October. The baby looks perfectly healthy, as do you. You will need some supplements though." she said as she printed off a few copies of the picture and began to clean the gel of me. As she leans over me I read her badge it has her name at the top then her profession. It says Doctor H Cairns, Quirk Teck Specialist.

"Dr. Cairns, what is a quirk tech specialist?" I ask curiously. She smiles at me again and gets very excited.

"Well Haruki I lead a small research team here, we develop technology to help people with their quirks, whether it is just to control them in their daily lives to help heroes across the world harness them better," she tells me my face lights up making her laugh.

"Would you like to see what we do? You were my only patient today," she asks I can see the excitement in her voice, she is obviously very proud of her work.

"Yes please, I would love that thank you," I said as she handed me the photos.

I looked at my dad as he was wiping away tears as he smiled at me. I look back down at the photo of my baby as we follow Dr. Cairns to her lab which is tucked away in the hospital. It was a large white room with three other people in it. They all came over when we entered and introduced themselves. Dr. Cairnes took me over to a desk and showed me a prototype for a new hero. They were having problems with it. The hero's quirk let them fly but the hero suffered from very bad motion sickness. And they were stumped at a solution. It made me think of Uraraka.

"Do you mind if I have a look at it?" I asked. She handed me what they had. It was a small visor and I could see they were on the right track. I looked around the desk it was on and picked up a few things and added them while taking other parts off before I handed it back.

"This should counter the motion sickness now," I say as I hand it back. They look at me and she has a look over it.

"That's amazing we have been working on it for over three weeks and could work it out, what do you make of this?" she asked, taking me over to another table.

I glanced at the notes then picked up the device. I clicked a few buttons. I dashed about the room picking up what I needed then attached them while taking out the unnecessary parts before I handed it back five minutes later. The person who had been working on it came over and inspected it.

"How old are you?" she asked me.

"18. Back home I was at school to be a hero but I also took a liking to tech in my third year." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Do you want a job?" Dr. Cairns asked. I looked at her and laughed.

"Are you serious?" I asked as she looked at me smiling.

"Young man you have just fixed two problems we were struggling with within ten minutes. I want you on our team. When can you start?" she asks me. I look at my dad.

"Tomorrow. I'd start today but I really need to get new clothes. These are killing me." I say as I rub my belly.

Dr. Cairns gave me a list of shops I could get male maternity clothes from. All four of my new work colleges were really nice. I was actually excited about tomorrow. My dad drove us to the city which wasn't a long drive and we shopped and shopped. My dad told me that, that night before my mum went to bed she told him that when I got my three-month scan she wanted to take me out for the day to buy the things for the baby so that is what we did. My dad made several trips to the car to fit all the things in and the big things like the furniture would be delivered by the weekend. I went into one of the shops while my dad was at the car and it had lots of trinkets and mugs. I picked up a mug that said world's greatest Papa and asked the lady at the checkout what it meant. She said that in Scotland a Papa was a grandparent. I smiled. I liked that. I quickly bought it for my dad and hid it. As we were leaving we passed a jeweler and a ring caught my eye. Today was the day I was going to propose to Sho. In the window, there was a small silver band with a red ruby set in the center. It looked like the ring I got for Sho. Tears slid down my face as I thought about what could have been today. My dad put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

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