1. How it all started

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Well guys I'm back after a long while and I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from all my main stories. Instead I'm going to write a couple short stories!!! Hopefully you guys will like this one! Tell me what you think and don't worry I have a little something up my sleeve for all y'all;) And maybe, just maybe I'll tell you guys what it is before hand for all this curious little munchkins, but only if you ask nicely:) Well here goes nothing!!

It was a usual Tuesday morning, well at least for me. Here's how it all started. I was still half asleep when my alarm clock went off. I know it shouldn't have scared me considering it goes of at the exact same time every morning but it did anyway...just a bit.

"Stupid clock!" I yelled into my pillow as I hit the snooze button. Okay, okay maybe a few more swear words were muttered. I'm not a morning person, who cares? My mom finally waltzed in seeing my alarm clock didn't do the trick as usual.

"Wake up Jasmine." She whispered by my bed post. She knew the morning routine, approach the animal with caution. No sudden movements.

"Ugh stop yelling!" I growled into my pillow.

"Well you have to get up." My mom said as she walked out of the room leaving the wild beast ,a.k.a. me, alone. I knew I had to get up though so I half rolled half fell out of bed. I headed straight to my dresser and picked out my outfit while simultaneously trying to put my hair up in a messy bun. My hair could be very high maintenance some times. You could not look me in the eyes and say that long, dark brown, thick, wavy (that curled at the ends) hair was easy to take care of. If you did I probably would have slapped you and walked away on the spot. Anyways I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door after many failed attempts at a decent looking bun. I walked onto the porch and locked the door behind me. Wait, I forgot my bag and phone! Face palm. My world has just been crushed. I jammed my key back into the key lock thingy and fiddled with it, twisting it this way and that. Finally it unlocked and I walked in to see my mom smirking.

"Forget something?"

"Yes." I said giving her the evil eye. Keep your cool Jazz, keep your cool. I quickly grabbed my things and was finally out the door and was on my way to school. Fast forward a few minutes and I walked into the over crowded school yard. I'm not surprised considering there are about 1500-2000 kids from grade 6 to grade 11. Luckily I was in grade 9 so I was used to the crowd. It helped that I was a people person too though. I walked over to a group of my friends who i could see from a mile away. They were the ones laughing there asses off and being weird. We chatted for a bit until the bell rang. Fast forward even further and I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital. How I got there you ask? I don't even know. All I know is I was in first period and I started having really bad pains. Like so bad I was in tears type pain. So I did what any girl would do, ditch and go to the washroom with my best friend. Next thing I know the teacher comes and she calls 911! The rest is just a blur. In the hospital I was ushered into the emergency room with tears in my eyes and excruciating pain throughout my body. The doctor arrived into the examining room along with my mom. He said I had appendicitis. My freakin' appendix burst! He blabbed on and on how I was lucky it wasn't to severe and due to the hospital being very very overcrowded the surgery to take out my appendix would be taking place tomorrow. Yeah, that was about it. Wait what?! Surgery?!?

"Surgery?" I asked horrified.

"Yes. Your appendix burst and we must remove it." The doctor explained looking at me like I was the crazy one.

"You mean like cut open my stomach surgery?" Were the only words I could form.

"Yes, but don't worry you'll be put under during the process so all you'll feel afterwards is pain and the stitches." He said very matter-of-factly. Wow thank you so much! That's so much more soothing. I'm really starting to hate this guy all sarcasm aside. "You're lucky we have one more room in the children's ward left. Unfortunately you'll have to share it with another patient. I hope that is all right," nobody answered but he decided to continue anyways. "wonderful! Nurse Judy here will take you to your room. Just hop onto the bed." He said gesturing to the young Asian lady holding onto a hospital bed with wheels. I followed instructions and hopped onto the bed already looking like a long term resident in my hospital night gown. I laid my head down and grimaced in pain. Nurse Judy leaned in and started to talk.

"I heard you have appendicitis. That always sucks, but the doctor put you in room 436 so you have a good roommate. Very sweet too. I think you'll enjoy it," I could only nod because the pain was getting worse. "oh and we will give you some pain me define when we get to the room."

"Thanks!" I burst out trying to speak over the pain that screamed inside of me.

"No problem. Well would you look at that, we're here!" Nurse Judy smiled. She wheeled me into the room and pushed me back against the wall where I bigger more comfortable bed awaited me. My mom silently trailed into the room after her. Nurse Judy reviewed everything I needed to know and was off in no time. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I had to bite down on my lip to stop me from screaming. Thank the lord another nurse would be coming to give me some pain medication soon.

"Oh sweetheart, I hate seeing you like this." My mom said full of concern.

"Same here." I groaned.

"I wish I could stay but I have to go back to work. But Nathan and Cameron will be coming after they finish school." Mom said almost as if she was reassuring her self more then me. Nathan was my 17 year old brother and a complete hot shot. He just got his license less then a year ago and is already trying to show it off to every single girl he could find. Yeah sure, he was popular at school and on every sports team (except for badminton, he found it girls and lame which just so happens to be one of the only school teams I'm on) and gets most of the girls he tries to pick up doesn't mean he has to act like it. He can be a douche sometimes, but he is my brother and I have to admit I do love that guy. Then there's Cameron. 11 years old and already following in Nathan's footsteps but way less jerky if I might add. He has a big heart and I hope that no sport or Nathan can change that.

"Ok." I reply thinking more of the pain then her actual words.

"Well feel better." She kissed my forehead and left. The pain started to grow.

"Shit." I swore under my breath.

"Are you ok?" Said a guy from across the room. Say what now, my roommate is a guy?! Score! I shut my eyes and silently started chanting in my head, please be hot, please be hot, please be hot. When I opened my eyes I was pleasantly surprised. The guy sitting in a bed identical to mine, had blond hair that was kinda sweeped to the side. It was like a blond, messy Bieber cut but may cuter. To bad I couldn't tell his eye colour from here..

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