Chapter 42

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Trigger warning for torture. I'll put ⚠️⚠️⚠️ before and after the scene.

My heart was beating hard against my chest as I waited outside the warehouse with Teddy, Emilio, and Matteo. Papa and I had fully healed, and it was time to kill Demetri. Although I was excited to get this over with, I was scared to see him, the man who had caused me so much pain and who had taken so much from me. After today though, everything would be back to normal. Or at least I hoped it would.

Papa and the rest of our brothers were getting the tools and anything else we would need ready in the torture room. The twins were stealing glances continuously at Teddy and I, trying to make sure that we were okay, but I couldn't let them know just how scared I was. Alessandro and Papa had made it clear that if we weren't mentally ready, then Demetri's death would be postponed. I had already waited too long, and I just wanted to put this behind me.

The door of the warehouse opened as Papa, Alessandro, Elijah, and Leo stepped out. Walking over to me, Papa wrapped his arms around me pulling my head to his chest. "You sure you want to do this, bambina?"

I looked up at Papa and nodded my head with a smile on my face. "One hundred percent."

"Ava, Teddy," Alessandro said as he knelt down in front of us. "If I decide at any time that we need to stop, we're done for the day, and we'll finish this later. Understood?"

"We'll be fine, Sandro," I smiled. "We always are."

"He's serious, Aves," Leo said. "If you decide that you need a break, tell us immediately. This is your first torture session, and it might be traumatizing. I know our first one was hard for each one of us."

"I will. Promise."

"And buddy, don't forget," Elijah continued. "After you get your few punches in, you're leaving the room."

"I know," Teddy answered. "I don't think I want to see what you guys do to him anyways."

Emilio laughed at Teddy, ruffling his hair. "Believe me, you don't want to see it."

"Yeah, you're just an innocent little baby," Matteo smirked, pinching Teddy's cheek.

Teddy glared at Matteo and smacked his hand away before looking at me. "Ava, tell them I'm not a baby. Make them stop," he pouted.

"Can't do, little brother," I said, a mischievous grin planted on my face. "You'll always be a baby to me."

"We should get this over with," Alessandro said as he and Papa each slung an arm over my shoulders. "Come on."

Alessandro and Papa walked us through the warehouse before finally stopping in front of the largest door in the warehouse, which was guarded by two guards.

Papa squeezed my shoulder and said, "We'll be with you the whole time. Don't worry." Kissing the side of my head, he opened the door, and Alessandro led me inside.

My heart stopped when I saw Demetri tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth. There was a cut above his eyebrow, his left eye was swollen shut, and he had a split lip. Other than that, he had very few injuries, just like I had requested.

Deep breaths, Ava. After today, you don't have to see him ever again.

I felt a firm grip on my shoulder, which brought me out of my thoughts. "You okay, honey?" Leo asked, concern lacing his voice.

I quickly nodded my head in hopes of reassuring my brother, but he didn't seem convinced, and I was too out of it to try any harder. I needed to get this over with and quickly, before I broke down in front of the man who was the cause of my restless and nightmare-filled nights.

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