Chapter 3

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I fucked up. Why did I think I would get away with yelling at Elijah? I may be angry at him, but if my brothers are anything like Sir, I'm in for the punishment of my life. I wasn't thinking about what would happen to Teddy. All I was thinking about was myself, and I would pay for my selfishness.

Teddy and I were currently in my room and reading on the floor. Well, Teddy was reading and I was just listening to him read the pages out loud. He was getting worried that my injuries weren't healing like they usually did and had spent the last three hours dissecting his textbook, "Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure." I had stolen the book from the medical school library right when the abuse had started, but Teddy ended up having more talent as the emergency doctor, so it was now his.

"Ava, what if the cuts are infected and that's why they haven't healed? You were lying on the basement floor for longer than usual that day, and you know how dirty the floor was and-"

"Teds, relax. If I start showing signs of infection, then we'll figure it out. How about we close the book, and talk about something else? What do you think about Elijah?" I asked as I took the book out of his hands and placed it on my bed.

"He seems nice enough, I guess, but Sir was also like that at first. And did you notice how he spoke Italian? He called you 'bambina.'"

"I wouldn't worry about Elijah turning into Sir. Not yet, at least. And I thought I told you this, but I guess it slipped my mind. Our dad was Italian, so our brothers speak Italian, too, but you just gave me an idea. I don't think it's a good idea to let them know that we speak Italian, not until we know whether they're trustworthy or not."

"Yeah that's a good idea, but-"

We're interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up to go to the door when Elijah opened it. Well that defeats the whole purpose of knocking. "Hey, it's time for dinner, so please be down in ten minutes. I assume you know the way to the dining room?"

I nodded my head as Elijah left, but not before casting a sad look our way. Turning to Teddy, I could see how nervous he was. I mean, it's not every day that you meet the brothers you never knew existed. "Talk to me, buddy. What's going through that brilliant mind of yours?"

"I'm nervous. I don't like meeting new people. At least you kind of know them, but me? I didn't even know they existed until today. It doesn't help that there's five of them, and I'm sure they're all so much older than me."

I smiled at my little brother, "It's impossible not to love you, and anyways, you're amazing at meeting new people. You felt the same way when you started fourth grade this year, right? Your whole class loved you, and the same thing will happen today. Now, why don't you relax, and show me your little dimples." I looked at my little brother and saw that his nerves still hadn't calmed down. I flashed a mischievous smile and said, "If you don't smile right now, the tickle monster will come for you, and I believe Dr. Russo said no physical activity until I'm better?"

Looking alarmed, Teddy quickly smiled widely, showing his dimples. "You're lucky I care about your health more than you do."

"True," I smirked. "Will you join me downstairs, Doc?"


Taking his hand, I led him to the staircase where we are met by the sound of arguing. Deciding to eavesdrop, I stopped Teddy from continuing down the steps.

"Who does she think she is, yelling at you like that?" someone yelled. I guess Elijah never heard the sayings 'snitches get stitches.'

"Nothing but a spoiled brat, if you ask me. Waltzes in here like she's better than everyone else, but have you seen her school record? Her criminal record? It's obvious she had no discipline living with her stepfather and mother. They probably spoiled her rotten." Dear brother, it's quite the opposite, but I'll never let you know what happened in that house.

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