Chapter 28

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It was Christmas Eve, and the twins, Teddy, and I were sitting in my room waiting for our older brothers to call us. This was the first Christmas Teddy and I had celebrated properly since Mom died. I always tried to make it special for Teddy, but there was only so much I could do.

Our brothers were definitely making up for the years we lost with them, especially tonight. I don't know what they were planning, but nonetheless, I was excited.

"What's taking them so long?" I whined.

Emilio laughed at my question and pulled me into his side. "Patience is a virtue, Aves. Also, Elijah and Leo threatened to beat the shit out of me if I told either of you."


Matteo covered my mouth and shook his head. "Sorry, sorellina. Our lips are sealed."

"Really, Matteo, you can tell us," Teddy said. "We promise not to tell Elijah or Leo."

"Promise not to tell us what?"

Our heads snapped to the doorway of my room where Elijah was leaning against the wall. The corners of his lips turned upwards as Emilio and Matteo bolted upwards from my bed.

"We didn't tell them."

Teddy and I exchanged furtive smiles, silently making a plan. "We know everything, thanks to Emilio and Matteo," I started.

Nodding his head, Teddy followed me saying, "Yeah, these two can't keep a secret at all. I'm honestly surprised you were able to keep the whole Mafia thing a secret for as long as you did."

The twins looked at us with wide eyes and their mouths open, shocked by our betrayal. "Li-Lijah," Matteo stuttered. "I know these two look like angels, but they're not."

"He's right. These little devils," Emilio said, pointing in our direction, "are lying their asses off. We would never ruin the surprise for them."

Elijah bounced himself off the door frame and started walking towards Emilio and Matteo with a smirk on their face. "Tsk, tsk, boys. First you ruin the surprise, and then you curse in front of the babies of the family." Turning to us, he said, "Well, I should at least find out how much you told them. Ava, Teddy, why don't you share what your brothers told you?"

My smile slowly faltered as I realized that our plan was backfiring. Glancing at Teddy, I saw panic in his eyes. We really didn't think this through, but don't worry, fratellino. Your big sis will save the day. Maybe.

"Um, you know. The usual Christmas Eve traditions," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Christmas movies, board games, the whole deal."

The twins had victorious smiles on their face as I spurted the lie from my mouth. Our three older brothers looked amongst each other with smug smiles. "Boys, do you remember what us Russos do to liars?" Elijah asked.

"Well, with Alessandro being the Capo-"

Emilio was cut off mid-sentence by Matteo hitting the back of his head, causing Teddy and I to jump. "Ouch, dude. What the fuck was that for?"

My gaze was fixed on the hand Matteo used to strike Emilio as my chest tightened. Stay focused, Ava. It was just a playful, brotherly slap. He's nothing like Sir.

"Aves, Teddy? You two okay?" Elijah asked with a frown on his face.

I peered over to Teddy, whose eyes were still on Matteo. Upon squeezing his hand, Teddy turned to me and weakly smiled. "It's no big deal. We're not made out of glass," I said, playing it off. "It was just instinct. Honestly, we're fine.

Matteo was watching us, a guilty expression clear on his face. "Sorry, guys," he said. "I wasn't thinking."

"Don't worry about it. And anyways," I smirked, "I think you should have hit him a bit harder. Just to restart his brain. No offense, Emilio."

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