Chapter 23

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Avalee's POV

Almost a week had passed since the abortion and my conversation with Alessandro and Leo. I was finally starting to fully trust my brothers, and it felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders. My separation anxiety when away from Teddy was greatly reduced, but there were still moments where I needed my brothers' reassurance that we were finally safe. I was even willingly sharing my feelings with my brothers without them having to pry them out of me. I had started the healing process with the help of my family, and I was grateful for the second chance life had given me.

Matteo had just returned from Georgia, and I had been avoiding him since. I really wanted to forgive him for the hurtful words he had thrown at me, but a part of me was worried that I would be betrayed by him again. I forgave him immediately the first time, and he hurt me again. I didn't want Matteo to think that what he did was acceptable.

None of my brothers were pushing me to forgive him, and I could see how hurt Matteo was by this. He looked like he was on the brink of tears whenever I averted by gaze from him, but he needed to learn. Over time, I would surely forgive him, but I needed proof that he had changed for the better.

Today, I was going shopping with Arya, Jamal, and Marco and was looking forward to seeing them. I hadn't seen my friends since telling my brothers about Demetri. Alessandro wanted to keep me home from school to monitor my emotional state, especially after how I had reacted during and after the appointment at the abortion clinic. He was able to convince the school to allow Teddy and I to complete the semester virtually, but we would have to return to school after winter break.

I was waiting in the living room with Alessandro and Elijah for my friends to pick me up. We were planning on going to the mall, but I had to come home early to help my brothers put up the Christmas decorations. It was part of our family's tradition.

"Aves, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Alessandro asked, looking up from his computer.

I completely forgot that my birthday was coming up the week after Christmas on New Year's Day. For the past four years, I had kept birthday celebrations to a minimum. Teddy would usually try to make it special, but it was just another day for me. It was proof that I had barely survived another year.

Shrugging my shoulders, I answered, "I don't really care. If you want to do something, go for it, but I don't have any preferences. It's just like any other day."

My brothers sent me a sad look before Elijah said, "You're special to us, so of course your birthday is an important day. We'll plan something and run it by you so there aren't any surprises. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," I smiled. "Thanks."

We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I walked to the front door with Alessandro and Elijah trailing me. When I opened the door, I was greeted by Arya, Jamal, and Marco.

"Hey, Ava. I've missed you," Arya said. "I've been stuck with these two bimbos for the past week, and it's killing me."

"Missed you too, Arya," I laughed. Turning to my brothers, I said, "I'll see you guys later."

Alessandro placed his shoulder on my shoulder and asked my friends, "Who's driving you to the mall?"

"My mom," Arya answered. "She's parked in the driveway."

"Can we get a name?" Elijah interrogated.

Arya gave me a confused look as I shook my head at my brothers' protectiveness. "Nandini Reddy," she finally replied.

"Can we go now?" I pleaded.

"One second," Alessandro said. "Boys, if either of you lay a hand on my sister, I promise you will regret it. Marco, your parents and older siblings work for me, so you should know better. But, Jamal, do you understand?"

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