Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Dumbledore walks down the corridor. Sweat dotted his forehead, as he descended down to the dungeons. Dumbledore arrived at Snape's office.The office was a gloomy and dimly-lit room. The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colours. Severus Snape was a greasy black haired man with a large hooked nose and a nasty personality or so everyone thought. Dumbledore approaches Snape. " Severus, what do you make of young Mr.Rosier's predicament?" Dumbledore asked Snape. Snap who was leaning over a book looked up at Dumbledore. " I think we should let him know about his.... Past." Snape said in his gloomy voice. Dumbledore looked at Snape and gives him a sad smile. " Do you think you can give the young boy so of his memories back, Severus. I know it hurts seeing the boy you raised in this predicament." Snape gives Dumbledore a glare, " It hurts more than you could ever imagine. But I must do what I am ordered to do." Snape gets up and walks over to his bookshelf preparing to give Asher some memories from when he was five. Dumbledore bows and leaves Snape to his work. After a bit, Snape finished with getting everything ready. As Snape cast the spell a tear rolled down his cheek. When Snape had done his job he sat down crying. He couldn't believe that he had raised this boy just so he could die for either light or dark . He wanted to take Asher and run far away and continue to raise the boy but away from everything bad. Snape sat there crying for many things that night, but no one would ever know about the tears he shed that night alone in his office. For today is a sad day for Severus Snape.

Asher POV

The room started spinning; when it stopped I was in a new room. I didn't know what was happening. " Bellatrix stop. He is merely a boy you can't expect him to listen all the time." A greasy black haired man said. He appears to be speaking to a woman I assume is Bellatrix. She looks crazy with her curly black hair everywhere. " Snape, he must learn to obey us or he is useless to us. And the Dark Lord wouldn't be very happy about that." The man Bellatrix called Snape looked over to a corner sadly. " Fine Bellatrix if you must. ASHER! Come here now!" The greasy black haired man yelled. A small boy came out into the room. That little boy was me when I was around 4 or 5. I watched in horror was Bellatrix used a torture spell on small me while I screamed for Snape to help me. The man I was calling father in this memory looked away from me as I was being punished. He was crying. I couldn't believe this was happening; it couldn't be real.

I shot up awaking myself; As I sat up a burning pain went through my chest. I looked under my shirt and there was a scar where the spell had hit me six years ago. Addy sat up too, " Bubby are you ok" I looked at her, her hair is messy and she looks so tired. " Yeah just a bad dream Addy. Go back to sleep I'll wake you up for school" She nodded and went back to bed. I looked at the alarm clock and it was only five in the morning. We still have an hour before breakfast. I got up and put on some clothes and walked around the castle. I ran into the bushy haired girl from the train. " Hello Ganger, what are you doing up this early on this fine morning." She looked at me with confusion written all over her face then she placed me. " Hello train boy, I could ask the same question" I smirked at her and she blushed. " I'm going to the library before school starts. Your turn to answer." She smiled " Oh really I'm going there too. Would you like to join me" I smiled and nodded my head and held out my arm. She took it, blushing it was quite funny.

We went to the library and then proceeded to get to know each other. It was fun and got my mind off my nightmares. I walked her to Gryffindor tower; said goodbye and like a gentleman kissed her hand. I walked back to Ravenclaw tower and answered the riddle and walked to my sister's room. I got dressed in my robes and awoke my sister. She dressed herself and handed me her brush. " what do you want me to do with your hair today." She thought while I brushed. I've always done her hair, I enjoy it very much. " some type of braid please bubby." I laugh and start braiding her hair. " You are still calling me that." She nodded and I finished braiding. " Lets go bubby." As we walk to the Great Hall we run into Malfoy. " Well isn't it the clumsy boy from last night." Molfoy said looking at me smug. " Ah yes I still can't seem to tell if you're scared or just cocky. I hope that my house won't get in the way of our friendship." I say with a fake pitying look. Malfoy looks at my tie. " I think I can be friends with a Ravenclaw." We laugh and walk to our houses table. I see Harry Potter walk in; I smile and wave to him and he waves back. He is so cute. 

After classes I walk to Ravenclaw dorms to take a nap. I feel a little scared of the nightmares I might see. I ran into Professor Quirrell, " Ah just the boy I was looking for, come with me please." I nodded my head and followed him. We went to his classroom and he sat me down. " Now I have someone who you need to meet." Professor Quirrell undid his tubrun and turned around. I saw a face come out of Professor Quirrell's head. " Hello son I'm Lord Voldmort." I stared at him and then uttered the words. " Father...your back... "

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