Chapter 4

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Darco POV

 I hear running in the hall but I just chalk it up to my imagination. I've been through this hall multiple times and there is no one here. The footsteps get louder and louder. Bam! I almost fall flat on my face but I catch myself. I get up and look to see how bumped into me. I see Asher on the ground, " Asher what was that, are you ok." I wait no answer " Hey! Asher!" still no response. I yell his name, and wait a minute his eyes close. I rush over and try to shake him awake. It has no effect, so I pick him up draping his arm over my shoulder. He is surprisingly light. I poke at his ribs to see if he is malnourished. He doesn't seem to be. As I look for the hospital wing I look over at him. He is good looking especially for a first year. I sat him down on a bench and moved his hair outta of his left eye and tucked it behind his ear. " Lets see what you're hiding behind your hair Asher." I look at his face as a whole and he is really handsome. Girls are going to throw themselves at him. I see a faint but prominent scar over his left eye. " I'll have to ask you about that one later" I picked him back up, thankfully he was shorter than me so it made it easier for me.

After finding the hospital wing. I walk in there, I see madam Pomfrey tidying up. She sees me and Asher and rushes over to me. " Bring the boy to a bed and lay him down while I get Dumbledore. She says before running off. I do as I'm told and lay him down. I sit beside him and cover his left eye again for him. " Look at you Malfoy. You barely know him. Scratch that you don't know him and yet here you are waiting here to make sure he is ok. But then again I feel drawn to him like he is important to me." I look down at him and his handsome face, I smile.

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