Chapter Fourteen - Lost

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^^ not the most fitting gif but he looks so cute i just had to share

"Hey you're back," said Steve, as Sam and Bucky walked through the door. He tried to hide the disappointment in his voice. Both Sam and Bucky picked up on it. But said nothing. Steve kissed Nat, so he obviously wanted her. This whole situation was a mess. Let's be honest.

Sam looked at Bucky, who was staring out the window. "Yeah, and we learnt some valuable information," he said, Bucky turned to look at him, shaking his head in response. He couldn't tell everyone that he admitted he was still in love with you. Sam sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"Are you still going ahead with the wedding?" asked Steve, but Bucky didn't respond. "Bucky?"

Both Steve and Sam were looking at Bucky. Who was completely distant from the real world. It was like he couldn't properly function. He didn't understand why he still loved you more than Nat. It didn't make sense. "You should've got her Sam," he said, Sam shook his head, "But now we're both too late,"

Sam had no idea what to say. "You're right, I can't marry Nat," said Bucky, shaking from anger but also on the edge of tears, "Because I still love Y/N," the room fell silent. More silent than it had been between the three of them in a while. They used to spend time drinking and talking. Now it was all awkward and weird.

Steve sighed as both Sam and Bucky looked at the floor. "If you still love Y/N," said Steve, "Why are you marrying Nat?"

"I don't know Steve," Bucky snapped. He couldn't end it with Nat, he couldn't do that to Nat. But the time he cheated on you, he was drunk, it was a mistake. He didn't know what Nat had felt that night. But everytime he looked at you he felt guilty. It didn't stop him loving you. He just thought his drunk ass was right in hooking up with Nat.

Steve looked Bucky dead in the eye, "You have to apologize to Nat,"

"And Y/N," said Sam. Bucky's eyes flicked between them, before rolling his eyes, "I'm serious," said Sam. "Look Y/N is in Vienna, and you need to end the wedding now, you can't unwillingly marry Nat,"

Bucky clicked his tongue, "You expect me to tell Nat that?" Both of them nodded. As a silence fell over the group. Bucky sighed, going over options quickly in his head. And at the end of the day. All he wanted was you. No one else really mattered. "Look I have to find Y/N okay?"

Sam looked over to Bucky, "You can't do that Bucky it's not fair," he said, thinking of you. How for the past month in Vienna it was the best time of his life. And he realised he had fallen in love with you. He had fallen in love with you. He would treat you better than Bucky. Because he wouldn't be stupid enough to let you go, if you loved him too.


"You're not the only one who loves Y/N,"


You poured some wine into a glass, watching intently as Loki sat down. Placing his scepter against the wall. Zemo walked in, eating turkish delight. "Vienna is just lovely," he said. You tensed at the thought of someone other than you and Sam being in your apartment. It felt weird. Like you and Sam owned this place. Even though you didn't.

"What's your plan?" you asked, a neutral expression on your face. The tone of your voice was cold. It wasn't your best idea. At least you could get revenge. Because, that would make everything better. Right? No. But it was the next best thing.

Loki looker over, "This is the best part," he said. "And quite simple really," added Zemo. The weirdest team was you, the god of mischief and a random guy who had tagged along to Vienna for the turkish delight.

You raised your eyebrows, waiting for them to tell you. "First, you can distract the team easily," said Loki, you nodded. It was true, your reappearance would become an easy distraction. "Then we can use the trigger words to control the winter soldier," continued Zemo.

You stopped. "That's hardly fair,"

Zemo eyed you suspiciously, "You agreed to tear the avengers apart," both him and Loki were watching you. It was true, you had agreed to tear them apart. But you didn't want to hurt Bucky, you didn't want to, you couldn't. And you didn't need to. It wouldn't make you feel better about yourself. None of this would.

Shaking your head, you looked over to Loki. Who was also staring you down. "I loved Bucky," you said, neither of them had any reaction, "I can't do that to him, it isn't fair,"

"But you don't love him anymore?" Loki said, walking towards you. You held your ground, despite wanting to back away or grab a weapon. You stayed silent. "You still love him?" yes. You did. You shouldn't. But you did.

Loki slammed his fists on the kitchen work surface. "This has ruined everything,"

"I'm sorry I just can't hurt Bucky," you said, reflecting on the past between you and him, "Not when I left him for hurting me," 

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