Chapter Thirteen - The End?

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Bucky had insisted on coming with Sam to the airport to find you. Despite wanting to yell, Sam had bit his tongue and told him to hurry up. They’d arrived at the airport in due time. Just as your flight was called. Both of them ran to find your gate, but halted when they saw you were talking to someone else. They couldn’t tell who, because their back was facing them. 

Just as you were about to step on the plane, a voice had called out your name. It was weird. An unfamiliar voice. You turned around, expecting to see one of the team or a shield agent. Instead a tall man, dressed in an all black suit and a green tie. Bucky used to wear all black suits on your dates. Stop it Y/N, it would only hurt more. “Yes, that’s me,” your replied, itching to get on the flight, “Can I help you?” 

“I can help you, if you help me,” he said. You raised your eyebrows. Unsure exactly who this person was and what exactly they wanted from you. The man continued, “You can tear the avengers apart and keep the pieces for yourself,” 

Sam and Bucky were stood silently, watching the interaction. “You know this is all your fault,” said Sam, still watching you. He felt a pang of jealousy as he watched you talk to the other guy. It was nothing. Maybe he knew that you were an avenger and wanted a photo. He shouldn’t even feel jealous anyway. 

“Let’s just get Y/N and go home,” said Bucky. 

“Who is she with?” asked Sam. Bucky didn’t respond. He didn’t know. He didn’t care. He didn’t even know why he had followed Sam here. 

You nodded at the man, not spotting Sam and Bucky stood near the gate. “And what do I get out of this, if I help you?” 

“The satisfaction of knowing the avengers no longer exist,” said the man, smirking. You didn't want to go as far as kill them. But the offer seemed interesting. Something you would never do. Yet, you could. 

Sam grabbed Bucky's wrist harshly. "We don't know who that is," he said, "And we have no right to go over there and interrupt her conversation and ruin her plans," he glared at Bucky who sent a more confused look back at him, "What I'm just saying, you've ruined a lot of plans recently,"

You hadn't really thought about the Man's proposal. But you were considering accepting. "Who even are you?" 

"I'm Loki," he stated. 

You shook your head in disbelief, "As in, tried to attack my friends in 2012 Loki?" you asked, having heard about the attack on New York while you had been working away on a seperate case. The next week Fury assigned you to the avengers. You'd been part of the team ever since. Yet you were considering trying to tear them apart. Bucky's wedding really was your villain origin story. 

"Better," he stated. 

You raised your eyebrows with a smirk, "And how's that?" you asked. Looking at the God in front of you asking for help. 

"Because now there are two of us with the same goal," said another man, walking up to greet you. "I'm Zemo, it's a pleasure,"

"I'm in on one condition," you stated. Zemo nodded while Loki eyed you suspiciously, "It's just, I- please. You can't hurt Sam," he was the only person who had been there for you. And the others, well they hadn't really. Not that you could blame them but still. 

Loki sighed, "People are gonna get hurt," 

"Then I'm out," 

"Fine, fine," said Zemo. 

You nodded as they followed you towards the boarding place. Bucky set off after you. Sam bit his tongue again. He was so angry at Bucky for hurting you again. And forcing you to leave. "Don't pretend that you care now," Sam said, causing Bucky to stop.

"I do care," said Bucky, he had turned to face Sam but was still watching you. Sam felt jealous again. Bucky shouldn't do that. He should just leave you alone

Sam sighed, "Then, I'm asking you to walk away," he said, "For Y/N's sake,"  

"Did you just ask me to leave Y/N?" asked Bucky in disbelief. He shook his head, "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

"It's not like you're dating her," 

"Neither are you," said Bucky, "It's not like im dating her, but you aren't dating her either, so don't tell me what to do," Bucky walked off after you. And Sam just stood there, seething with anger. But sad also. Sad because he knew that Bucky would never treat you like he would.

"You're just ruining everyone's chances," Bucky turned to look at Sam, sighing. "Look whatever you think you're doing, just stop and leave,"

Bucky shook his head, "Maybe I still love her, and maybe I need to apologise" he said quietly, "So don't tell me what I can and can't do, okay," neither of them noticed you leave and board your flight. 

Sam turned to look for you, "She's gone," he said quietly

Both of them stayed in silence. Bucky shrugged, "Guess I'll leave now," Sam didn't hear him, didn't notice him walk away. He'd been so busy defending you because he wanted you. Not like Bucky did. And now over some argument he had lost you. He just kept losing you. 

Authors Note ❤️:  I know that this chapter is called 'the end' its not the end of the story. It's the end of you as an avenger. Anyway ty for reading <3

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