Chapter Nine - Sam went with her?

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“Agents,” said Nick, walking into the common room of Avengers Tower at just past three am. Tony and Bruce, who were still awake, quickly gathered the team. 

Once everyone had arrived, Steve was the first to speak up, “Fury it’s late, what are you doing here?” Nick easily noticed that no one had noticed you had gone to Vienna. Granted you didn’t live there anymore. He didn’t have to be the one to tell them, but it looks like it was gonna be that way. 

“I’m assuming you heard something about Agent Y/L/N?” he asked them, there was some recognition flashing across Steve and Bucky’s face. But the rest of the team looked completely clueless. You had been telling the truth, you didn’t tell them. 

Bucky sighed, “Yeah I heard,” he said, slightly angrily. When the rest of the team jumped in to ask questions Bucky continued, “Y/N is leaving, and Sam beat me up for it,” he said, which explained the bruise forming under his eye. There was an awkward silence after Bucky had broken the news. 

“I can hardly blame him,” said Nick, trying to cut the tension. “Y/N is in Vienna, she left about two hours ago, I came to tell you now so that you won’t stop her,” Everyone was silent again. You, one of the best avengers and close team member, had walked away without goodbye. You hadn’t even bothered to tell them that you were leaving. That was hardly fair. You’d just gone. 

“So she’s not an avenger anymore?” asked Bruce. 

Tony exchanged a glance with Wanda, who had just found out her best friend left. “She’s running my shield division in Europe,” said Nick, “Staying an avenger is up to her,” but, let’s be honest here, it was unlikely you would still work for them when you were halfway across the world and had a better job anyway. 

“This is bullshit,” said Tony, slamming his hands on the table. 

“You have no say Stark,” Nick fired back, he turned to leave, “I have a mission briefing for you all tomorrow, do not be late,” and with that, he left and closed the door. Leaving the team to process the fact that you had gone, and won’t be coming back. 

“Well this is great,” remarked Steve after Fury had left. Tony stormed off, and everyone else left afterwards. Because no one knew how to react. The only person who stayed sat on the couch was Bucky, he didn’t move. You’d actually just. Gone. You’d left. You weren’t even here anymore. 

Hours later, Steve reappeared. To see Bucky still sat where he was. “Losing sleep over Y/N?” he asked Bucky, who was quick to deny it. “Can you not even see this? Bucky you’re so in love with her,” Bucky just rolled his eyes and ignored Steve, who started making some tea. “Won’t even deny it,” he muttered to himself. 

“I’m not in love with her,” remarked Bucky, through gritted teeth. 

Steve nodded, “You’re not in love with her,” he said sarcastically, “It’s normal to lose sleep over your soulmate being gone, you hear that? Soulmate” 

“If i cared about her I would have gone after her,” began Bucky before he was abruptly cut off by Tony entering the room. 

“Anyone seen Sam?” he asked, interrupting the conversation. 

Pepper entered the room, “He left,” she said, “To go and find Y/N, to stop her from leaving I think?” Bucky looked down at the floor, where you and Sam a thing? Was that why he was so bothered about you leaving? 

Steve took no time in making sure Bucky knew about this, “He’s gone to find her,” he said, “How about that Bucky?” Bucky just left the room, “What do we do now?” asked Steve. 

“We move on,” said Bucky. Those who were left in the room rolled their eyes, it was easy for Bucky to say. But you were just gone. And so was Sam. Two of the best team members, two of the strongest avengers, had left. What were they supposed to do? Just ‘move on’. Not gonna happen. 


Two days later and Bucky was still pacing around the main room. “You’re annoying me,” said Tony, trying to get into one of the cupboards so he could make pancakes. Because, according to Tony Stark, ‘pancakes make everything better’. 

“Not you not being able to stand still after learning Sam went with Y/N,” said Steve, maybe spending too much time with Peter hadn’t been the best idea but it was too late to dwell on that now. Bucky stopped in front of the glass windows that looked out over New York, this hadn’t been your favourite place in the tower. You would sit by the window, wrapped in a blanket, and read. Bucky had seemed to forget how much he missed you. 

“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” asked Bucky. He was probably speaking to himself, but Steve answered for him.

“You get married,” he said. 

Bucky rolled his eyes, sitting down on the couch. He was still restless, even when sat down. “Apart from that,” he snapped back. 

Steve sighed, “Okay but Bucky,” he said, Bucky rolled his eyes at the whole smartass moment that was about to come, “you let her go, and Sam, he fought for her,” Bucky just stood up and looked out the window again. Your favourite book, or one of the many copies, was still sat on the side table. You’d never taken it with you. 

“I need to talk to you,” said Nat, coming in and looking at Bucky. Before Steve could even leave the room, she began to talk, “So we’re getting married in a month, right? Bucky? You know that right?” 

Bucky turned from the window, “I know,” he said quietly, his voice soft. His eyes gleaming. 

“But I can’t marry you,” said Nat, causing Steve to nearly drop the glass of water he was holding, “Not if this is how it’s going to be,” Bucky looked confused, and Nat stared silently at him, awaiting a response. 

“Like what?” questioned Bucky, his voice turning harsh again, “Because of Y/N leaving? Because I’m fine? It’s not like I can ignore it but it doesn’t bother me, okay?” 

Nat sighed, “Why not?” she asked sternly. Both Steve and Bucky jumped in to defend you, but she continued, “Okay Bucky, I don’t want to or her.r But if you want me, you can’t have her

“I don’t even have her,” said Bucky, you were gone, with Sam. He was pretty far from having you.

“Is that a problem?” she asked Bucky. 

Bucky sighed, “No,” he whispered, “No it’s not,” 

Authors Note ❤: I made an Instagram account for my wattpad if anyone wants to follow its 'ameliaxbarnes'. Thanks for reading 💞💞

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