Chapter Seven - A new Start

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After arranging to meet Sam for dinner, you headed into the kitchen to grab some water. While you were at the tower you may as well stay and train. “So did you tell him?” said Wanda, who was sat reading a bridal magazine. You forgot Nat had chosen her as the maid of honour. Anyway.

“No,” you said, grabbing the bottle, hoping to avoid any questions.

Wanda had other ideas, “So you changed your mind?” she asked you. You rolled your eyes, she could clearly read your mind so she should stop asking questions. To be honest, you didn’t really want to stick around anymore anyway, just in case you ran into Bucky. You went to put the water back in the fridge, when Wanda raised her eyebrows at you.

You sighed, “No Wanda, I didn’t change my mind,” you responded.

“Then what happened?” she asked you. You didn’t want to talk about what happened, if you wanted to, you probably could have told him. But what was the point? Telling him you loved him? What were you expecting him to say it back?

You shook your head, leaning against the fridge, “Nat stopped me from seeing him,” you said, exasperated. Before she could say anything, you continued, “I see why, and it was probably a good thing anyway,” your eyes went glassy but you had no intentions of showing your emotions right now, “Telling Bucky wasn’t the best idea I ever had,” you said. It was stupid.

“So that’s it?” said Wanda, “You changed your mind,”

“I guess so,” you said, because you didn’t want to talk about your stupid decisions anymore. “I have to go,” you smiled before grabbing your keys and heading out the door.

Before you could reach your car you ran into none other than Nick Fury. Head of Shield, associate of the avengers, and a father figure to you. “Agent Y/L/N,” he said, you were expecting him to just walk past you, “I’ve been looking for you,” not like you were hard to find, “I have a mission for you,”

“What is it?” you asked, a solo mission from Fury himself. Must be important, and the fact that he trusted you with the mission. It wasn’t like you were a bad avenger. You were no Captain America. However, ever since your break up with Bucky you hadn’t been the best avenger. You just didn’t care. And now whenever Bucky and Nat had agreed to go on missions they were doing a lot more than working together. It made you feel sick.

Fury handed you a file, “I need someone to run a shield division,” he said, you didn’t say anything. Allowing for him to go on. He sighed, looking at the floor, before looking back at you. “In Europe,”

You choked on the air, “Okay so you want me to run a shield division in Europe?” you asked, confused as to why he would pick you.

“You’re the best person for it,” he said, the confused look on your face spoke everything for you, “Well what with your break up with Sergeant Barnes and his current engagement to Agent Romanoff,”

You sighed, “That has nothing to do with my career,”

“I know,” you said, “A new division, a new place, a new start and a higher command, you won’t be overlooked,” you opened the file. It looked nice, the current Agents and their skill sets seemed easy. The current problems looked easy to deal with. The place they’d picked out for you to live was gorgeous. “Think it over,” said Fury.

You didn’t need to. “I accept,” you said, closing the file. You nodded to Fury before opening the door of your Mercedes and sitting inside.


You got ready for dinner with Sam, wearing black jeans and a gold halter neck top. It was weird for him to ask you for dinner. But it would be one of the last times, since you were going to Europe. You were going to Europe? What had happened? It started with just moving out, and now you were going to Europe. A whole different continent. Away from everyone.

When you finally sat down in front of Sam you felt so tired. You’d been going back and forth on whether it was a good idea to go to Europe. But you were going to. You needed to. “What’s going on?” you asked, after ordering a cocktail.

“Nothing really,” said Sam, he noticed how tired and exhausted you looked, “What’s going on with you?”

You didn’t even want to lie. Well you couldn’t, because he would find out eventually. And it would nice to actually talk to someone. “Fury offered me a job,” you said, as the waiter handed you your cocktail, which you immediately started drinking.

“You already have a job?” he asked you.

You sighed, “In Europe,” you whispered, “And I took it,” Sam’s face dropped. What was he expecting you to tell him that you hadn’t taken it? You felt so bad, and you wanted Sam to say something but instead he was just looking at the beer in his hand.

“It’s Europe,” he said. Yes it was, you did realise that. “Are you sure that you thought this through?”

“Yes Sam,” you said, almost exasperated, “Look I’m sorry, but I took the job and I did think it though,” you felt terrible, guilty, stupid. You wanted to take the job and you should be allowed to leave. It’s not like you had anything to stay for. Sam shook his head, “Right I’m sorry, what did you want to talk about?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. The rest of the dinner was pretty silent, with you making the occasional conversation. After dinner, Sam said he had to leave for an early mission so head off, leaving you at the restaurant. Well that could have gone better.

When Sam got back to the tower, he went to find Bucky. Anger filled him. You were leaving, you were leaving because of Bucky. And there was nothing he could do to stop you. He found Bucky training as per usual. “This is all your fault,” he said, pushing him into the wall, “All of this is your fucking fault,” Bucky pulled the earphones from his ears.

“What?” asked Bucky, a confused look coming over his face.

Sam backed away, “It’s because of you,” said Sam, he kicked Bucky in the stomach so he stumbled into the wall, he punched him across the face. Bucky looked up from where he was keeled over on the ground, before striking back. Sam caught his punch, “you’re a joke,” he spat.

Bucky glared at him before kicking Sam to the ground. Sam fought back, managing to get back on his feet and slapping Bucky across the face, faltering his vision. When Sam went to move away, Bucky pulled him back by his shirt so he stumbled into the wall. He picked up a gun from the storage area, holding it to Sam, who managed to de-arm him, before then hitting him across the face.

Sam caught Bucky’s final punch before flipping and taking him down. Bucky stayed on the floor, gathering his breath. Sam dropped the gun next to his head as Steve opened the door. “What the hell are you two doing?” shouted Steve. Sam wiped the blood from his mouth, looking at the floor.

When no one broke the silence Sam did. “I hope hurting her was worth it,” he said, as Bucky sat up from the floor. “She’s leaving,” he said, pointing at Bucky, “She’s leaving because of you,” Bucky looked up from the floor. Sam walked out the room, leaving Bucky to feel guilty. As he damn well should.

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