Chapter Twelve - A mess

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Steve knocked on the door to Nat’s room. She opened it, expecting to see Bucky. “Nat,” he said, as she brushed through her hair. The wedding dress she had chosen hanging on the wardrobe door. “I really need to talk to you, about, I need to talk to you,” he said quietly. Nat was about to be crushed on the supposed best day of her life. 

Nat nodded for him to go ahead as she brushed eyeshadow across her eyelids. Steve sighed, “I saw Bucky kiss Y/n,” Nat stopped, holding the brush halfway to her eye. He closed the door to her room, and sat down on the bed, “I’m sorry,” 

She laughed, “I should have known this would happen,” Steve creased his brow, and she turned face him. Steve smiled at her, not knowing what to say. Nat didn’t need words. She needed him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him into a kiss. Steve kissed her back, running his hands through her hair. 

“I should go,” said Steve, pulling away. Bucky cheated, that’s on him. But he couldn’t be responsible for Nat cheating on Bucky too. 

Nat followed him and grabbed his hand as he stood up to leave. “No Steve wait,” she said, Steve searched her eyes for answers. Anything that told him that she needed him to stay. No emotions. “I should have done that earlier,” she whispered. Steve wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her into a kiss, pressing her against the wall. 

“Um okay,” said Bucky, stood in the doorway. Here to apologize for the mess he had made. But clearly neither of them seemed that bothered. 

Bucky walked into the kitchen, slamming the door shut in Steve’s face. “I can’t believe this,” he stated, Steve opened the door, “I can’t believe you,” his voice was raised, you exchanged a glance with Sam. “Of all people,” he shook his head. You looked between Steve, Nat and Bucky. Did they all know? What was going on? 

“It’s just as much your fault as it is mine,” said Nat. What? You were at the peak of confusion. 

The rest of the team sent confused glances to them. “Steve kissed Nat,” said Bucky

“You kissed Y/N,” everyone turned to look at you, and you turned bright red. The room fell into complete silence. Great. Great. This was going really well. Nat didn’t look at you. But she wasn’t angry. That was good right? You were just really confused. What was happening now? 

Bucky sighed, “Look Natasha,” he said, “I love you, and what I did, was a terrible terrible mistake and I’m so sorry,” well he just called you a mistake. That didn’t break your heart. Except it did. He kissed you and called you a mistake. “I’m really really fucking sorry,” you dropped your head. 

“I’m gonna go,” you said to Wanda who was stood beside you. 

As you walked out the room, you heard them say the wedding was back on. It wasn’t your intentions for it to be cancelled, just that they would, not get married. You saw Bucky smile and hug Nat as you closed the door. At least you knew that it was over. You clearly meant nothing. You heard the door open behind you, a part of you hoped it was Bucky. It broke your heart more that it was Sam. 

“You okay?” 

You laughed, “Honestly? Not in the slightest,” 

“Wanna talk?” 

He was too precious. He deserved better than you. Because he kept defending you, kept being a better friend. And you didn’t deserve him. “No it’s okay,” you said, “Go to the wedding, I’ll see you later,” lies, lies and more lies. You were lying to the face of the one person you trusted the most right now.

“I can skip it,” 

“I’m fine, Sam just go,” you were maybe a little bit harsh. Sam nodded, “See you later,” you wouldn’t. 

Sam left, and you turned to see Fury, “He won’t will he?” 


Sam slammed the door to the kitchen behind him. Cursing Bucky in his head. That dick was stood there drinking scotch and scrolling through his phone like he had done nothing. He took the glass from Bucky’s hand and threw it in the sink. The glass shattered. “Y/n deserves better from you,” 

“I don’t have time for whatever this is,” 

“Bucky you dropped her like she was nothing to you,” said Sam angrily. 

“No I didn’t,” 

“You kissed her and went back to Nat, she feels like nothing to you right now, you let her walk away without fucking saying anything,” Bucky looked at the floor, “You know what that is, that’s-”

Bucky looked up, “Nothing to do with you,” Sam bit his tongue, “Sam, please just stay out of it, who I decided to marry has nothing to do with you,” 

“She can do so much better than you,” Sam shouted. Him. You could have him. You didn’t need to run back to a guy like Bucky who treated you like shit. You could have him. “You’re just full of shit Bucky,” 

Fury, who had been stood in the doorway for the majority of the fight, coughed loudly. Causing both of them to turn around, “Not to interrupt,” he said, Bucky opened his mouth to tell him he was, but he ignored him top, “But Y/n has left,” Bucky looked at Sam. If he cared so much why did he let you leave? 

“I know I said I’d meet her later,” said Sam, causing Bucky to roll his eyes. 


“What do you mean no?” asked Sam, a genuine look of concern flashing across his face. Which Bucky picked up on. 

Fury sighed, looking at Bucky and holding direct eye contact. “She left for Vienna, and doesn’t plan on coming back” Bucky turned to look at Sam, who shared the exact same look of confusion. 


I want to be her 『𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜』Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ