Chapter Twenty Two

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It had been about a month or so since Cas tried to take her life, she has become happier, and mostly herself again with her family and friends help 

When she woke up in the morning for the first time in a while she left as though everything was alright again, and the same, but alas they weren't 

Everynight she would have to take her pill in the kitchen when someone was there, which made sense, but she hated it, but it made sense 

Once she got up she got ready, and ran downstairs racing Harry when they reached the kitchen she won, but ran into Lyra

Cas said "oh my god sorry Ly" Ly glared at her sister and tried to kick her, but Cas moved out of the way quickly 

The adults smiled at Cas for they also noticed she was becoming herself again

They all ate pancakes then Harry, Cas, and Lyra went outside, and played hide and seek for hours

At night before bed Sirius and Remus stopped Cas and after shr took her pill Remus said "are you  sure you will be ok staying with Pansy  and her family for a whole week" Cas replied "yes I'll be ok, plus I just want things to get back to normal anyways" 

Sirius nodded, and said "alright hun you leave tomorrow right?" Cas nodded the hugged her dads goodnight and said thank you

In the morning  she pulled her trunk downstairs hugged her family bye then flooed to Pansy's 

As she dropped the dust Sirius called jokingly "no funny busnuiess" she rolled her eyes, and left

When she arrived she stepped into Pansy's home

It was a big house, but it was cozy, warm, and welcoming, she was immedly met with Pansy

The two had seen a lot of her recently 

Cas introduced herser to Pansy's parents who liked her despite her being a "blood-traitor". Pansy's dad seemed a bit suspicious of Cas, but was kind (no doubt because of a talk from Pansy) 

 In the evening after dinner she brought her dishes over to the sink where they immedly started to wash themselves, and thanks Pansy's parents

Pansy then took her hand and showed Cas around 

After a little while Pansy's mom called up "Pansy you dad and I have to go to his work thing we will be back in a few days" Pansy called back "ok Mum" 

Pansy and Cas had known they would be gone these days and Pansy's parents didn't want Pansy to be alone

After they were sure that her parents were gone Pansy muttered "finally" Cas giggled then turned her attention to the show they were watching

She mindlessly put her hand on Pansy's thing and rubbed a bit...

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