Chapter Four

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In the morning Lyra woke up, and looked around for her sister. She didn't see her and quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to see Remus and Sirius cooking while good-heartily bickering

Lyra paused then turned around and ran back out

Remus looked at Sirius confusedly then they went back to cooking still slightly confused

Lyra ran back up the stairs running into Lily and she quickly said "I'm sorry I'm looking for Castula" 

Lily smiled at the little girl kindly and replied "it's quite alright, do you want help?" Astonished by her kindness Lyra nodded and the two started to look throughout the house 

They finally looked in Harry's room to see Harry laying on the right and Cas on the left both fast asleep. Lily smiled and shook her head and Lyra rolled her eyes

Harry then woke up and saw his mother and best friends sister looking at them. Harry groaned slightly and shook Cas's arm saying "Cas wake up we fell asleep" 

Cas sat up, and said "oh hi good morning, um I'm gonna go get ready"

Cas left and Lyra followed Lily smirked at her son came in the room closed the door muffilaoded it and said "so Cas?" "really Mum" "what you never talk to me about your love life" "Mum Cas is lesbian and one of my best friends. We fell asleep last night talking"

Lily responded "oh I'm sorry" Harry laughed a bit and said its fine

Lily then left her son to get ready and meanwhile in Lyra and Cas's room Cas had muffiladoed the room and Lyra said "Cas can we trust these people"

Cas responded "yes Ly they're very nice, and related to Harry who is one of my best friends and very kind. They are going to help us I'm not sure how, but you never know they might be able to"

Lyra nodded and then the two went down to breakfeast together

As they sat down with everybody there was a courous of good mornings, and they all ate breakfast while making small talk then an owl flew in and dropped a letter in front of Cas

She reconized it as her mothers handwriting her eyes widened and bit, and she put it in her back pocket

Lyra asked "what was it?" "oh nothing don't worry about it" 

After breakfast Cas the Potters went to diagon alley to leave the family to talk. Sirius then said as they left "so we wanted to talk to you both about something" 

The sisters nodded and Sirius continued "so your dad was my brother. Which makes me your uncle, and we were wondering if maybe you two would like to live with us forever?"

Cas said surprised "are you sure" Remus responded "of course were family and we live with the Potters" Sirius then continued "we could adopt you two which would make you both out daughters, and so you din't think this were not takin pity we actually want you both" 

Cas smiled and said to her sister "what do you think Ly?"

Lyra looks dup at her sister smiled then ran and hugged Sirius who laughed and hugged the little girl back 

Remus then said "so it's a yes?"

Cas nodded and said "yes thank you"

Sirius then said "can I let least get a hug" 

Cas laughed a bit and hugged her uncles, ready for this new adventure in life

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