Chapter One

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As Cas, Harry, Hermione, and Ron exited the Hogwarts Express for summer Cas sighed and mumbled to herself "back to the hell hole" 

Unfortunately her friends heard her and Harry said "Cas promise us if anything happens-" Cas cut him off by saying "I know come to one of your houses or somewhere else safe"

Cas then said "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude I'm just stress out" Hermione replied "I know"

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were the only ones who knew about Cas's fucked up home life, but even they knew the bare minimum. 

Her mother Bellatrix Lestrange was a murder who was not caught after the first wizarding war. Thankfully most of the other death eaters were caught, and Voldamort had died. Cas and her mother do not get along at all especially after Cas was sorted into Gryffindor in her first year. She was now exiting her fourth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

The four friends hugged goodbye then parted ways for the summer

Or so they thought...

Time skip to Cas arriving "home"

Cas took a deep breath and opened the door to her mothers manor

It was a gloomy place that was mostly all black even the walls

Cass called out "I'm home Mom" 

Bellatrix called back in a shrill tone "I don't care" Cas sighed thought to herself sarcasticly "welcome home Cas", and dragged her trunk upstairs. After she dropped her stuff off in her room she went and knocked on her sister Lyra's door. 

Dispite their age difference Cas and Lyra were close. Cas had always taken after Lyran and made sure their mother never hurt her

Lyra opened the door and jumped into Cas's arms 

The two sisters hugged as they hugged Cas whispered softly "are you ok Ly did she hurt you" then broke apart and looked her sister in the eyes

Lyra shook her head no and whispered back in her sisters ear "I still have my escape bag ready to go just in case" Cas nodded and said back "good girl" then ruffled her sisters hair and the two caught up

When dinner was ready Cas pocketed her wand and signaled to her sister to not their they Mom that she had it

Lyra nodded and the two sat down for dinner

Bellatrix served some food which the three ate in sclience which Bellatrix broke saying "so your not even going to tell me about your school year"

Cas rolled her eyes and responded "why should I it's not like you care, and either way you think I'm nothing more than a blood-traitor" 

"is that anyway to speak to your mother?!" Bellatrix replied in a scream

Cas kicked Lyra's foot who understood and went upstairs knowing it was best not to argue

Cas then yelled back "yes actually if your mother is a homophobic blood supremist!" 

Bellatrix glared at her daughter and Cas could have sworn her eyes flashed red with anger right before she drawer her daughter up and casted laceo at her

Red gashed appears across Cas's stomach, but she held in her screams and fought back her tears. This angered her mother, and she called out "laceo again" 

This time Cas cliched her stomach as another set of deep cuts appeared on her stomach as well as her thighs. She then grabbed her wand and so quickly that her mother couldn't react casts stupefy and hit her mother so hard with it she fell to the ground stunned

Cas ran upstairs as fast as she could with her injuries gadded her unpacked trunk banged on Lyra's door yelling "Ly get up we have have to go now!" 

Lyra grabbed her backpack and the sisters held hands and ran past their stunned mother tears going in Lyra's eyes making her trip and fall scraped her chin  and cheek

Cas helped her and her backpack up, and then they ran to the floor system and Cas thought to herself "12 Grimwald Place" 

The system whooshed and they were gone 

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