Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a week since her mothers escape. Cas had barely slept, and was up all night most nights reading all about defensive spells. 

She had even out studied Hermione in DADA. She was currently studying sixth year stuff. Everyday her friends and girlfriend tried to get her to come do something, but she always declined, so they would just study with her and make small talk

At the end of the week they dragged her away from her books and forced her to go to the party with them

An annoyed Cas agreed, and changed into a pair of mom jeans, a maroon crop to, and her leather jacket. She also applied some light makeup for fun, and felt better

On the way to the Hufflepuff common she aplogised to her friends and girlfriend for not doing anything

They said it was was fine that she didn't need to apologize and by now they were in the Hufflepuff common room

Pansy looked nervous for she used to make fun of theese people. Cas noticed and took her hand reassuringly and Pansy squeezed in thanks

Harry had decided to send the night in Cedric's dorm, and Hermione and Ron went back to Rons's dorm, and Pansy and Cas went back to Hermione and Cas's

As they got though the door Cas sighed and shrugged off her jacket and tossed it next to her closet 

Pansy went up behind her and wrapped her hands around Cas's waist and whispered in her ear "you ok love" 

Cas replied "back yeah I just people would stop staring at me like I'm some freak who's related to the murderer on the loose and had scars all over her stomach 

Pansy turned her around copper her face with one hand and said "you are beautiful just the way you are" then kissed Cas's nose making her blush and smile while she let out a giggle

Pansy smiled at her girlfriends cuteness, and then led to to the bed, and they cuddled 

Pansy started to trace Cas's scars making Cas's eyes flicker shut feeling content

Pansy then started to kiss her scars making her giggle, and Pansy giggled back and then kissed her on the lips Cas immediately kissing her back feeling safer than she had all week

In the morning Can and Pansy had fallen asleep, and Hermione walked in smiled and took a picture

She then get ready and let Cas and Pansy sleep a little while long before throwing a pillow at them while smirking 

While still holding Pansy flipped her off making Hermione roll her eyes, and say "get. up." with every word she hit Cas and Pansy with a pillow

Hermione then said "wow my best friends is alive" 

Cas and Pansy sat up and Cas rolled her eyes Pansy the got up and said "sorry I've got to go I'm helpping Draco with astronomy" 

Cas replied "I don't know why you help that twat" Pansy replied "you used to think I was a twat" Cas replied "that's different, but he's your friend so I don't mind have fun" 

Pansy smiled quickly kissed her girlfriend on the lips then left saying bye to Hermione on her way out

Hermione smiled and the two gossiped for a while until Ron and Harry came in and the four hung out while Cas got ready

Then they all went down so breakfast together 

Once they were there another profit was dropped, and the headline was:


This time Cas only sighed put the paper down and said "I wish she would just turn herself in, but that's asking too much of a narcissist sociopath I guess"

Then Sirius's owl dropped a letter infront of Cas

She opened it and It read:

Dear Cas,

I hope you're not too stressed out over your mom, but I have some bad news. You were right she is after you. Some of our aurors were able to talk to her before she fled. Don't worry she does not want Lyra, and we are making sure she's safe just in case she changes her mind. Right now Hogwarts is the safest place for you. I'm really sorry, but you cannot go to Hogesmade until she is found. 

Don't worry it will all be fine


Remus and Sirius

P.S. Lyra says hello and that she misses you

End of letter

Acas folded up the letter, and stuck in her back pocket Harry raised an eyebrow at her, and she replied "from Remus and Sirius I was right she is after me, and I can't go to hogesmade until she is found" 

After breakfast the four wet to classes and acted like normal 

Time skip to day before spring break

When the day before Spring break finally rolled around everyone was extreme happy and restless from school

Some students had the option to go home early if they liked, and Hermione and Ron took this and went home the day before

Harry, Cas, Cedric, and Pansy had decided to go to the Slytherin party that was happening later that evening 

Cas had never been to a Slytherin party, but agreed to go after Pansy invited her and Harry who was bring Cedric so that he wouldn't be third wheeling 

Cas put on this dress:

(choose whatever you like I just like this one and it helps me write the story)

Her classic ratty converse, and let her hair that was now past her shoulders down

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Her classic ratty converse, and let her hair that was now past her shoulders down

She then put on form mascara, eyeliner, and cherry chapstick

She then met Harry in the common room who was also a bit dressed up for Slytherin parties were famous for kicking people out if they were not dressed well enough 

Cas didn't think that Pansy would let this happen, but now that she was dating "a blood traitor" she wasn't sure, and she liked to get dressed up everyonce and a while anyways, so she didn't mind

She quickly went down the staircase where she met Harry (he had gotten ready before her) and the two went to go pick up Cedric from the Hufflepuff common room

Once they were there Harry went in, and got Cedric

Cas and Cedric were never very close, but knew each other

The three walked to the Slytherin common room, and we met is none other than Draco Malfoy...

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