Chapter Two

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As Lyra and Cas stepped into the new place Layra looked around in awe and said "Castula where are we?"

"12 Grimwald Place it was the old safe place of the order during the War it's our failed, but no one comes here anymore. We can crash her for tonight don't worry I'll figure something out" said Cas while turning off the floo system 

"I'm scared Cas" "I know don't worry Ly we will be ok" 

Cas smille reassuringly and dragged her trunk and Lyra's backpack to the corner of the kitchen, took off her shoes and Lyra did the same 

Cas lied her little sister up onto the kitchen table and cleaned her cuts

After she finished cleaning the cuts she kissed her sisters forehead and said "there all better"

Cas then ignoring her pain and blood started a letter to Harry saying:

Dear Harry,

Hey I know you said to letter you three if anything goes south. Well it has we had to escape, were somewhere safe together. I can't tell you where for my idiot mother might try and intercept my mail again. Tomorrow I'll try and get a job at the three broomsticks and in return maybe they will let us stay in a room until school. I know you said to come, but I fell bad intruding. I know your also probably confused why I'm saying we. Um I could never tell you this in case my mom might have done something, but I have a little sister named Lyra. She's 5. 

I've got to go help her, but I'll also write Mione and Ron to let them know. Sorry I didn't tell you trust me I wanted to. 

- Cas

End of letter

She didn't send it yet, but just went upstairs to clean herself up after grabbing a change of clothes out of her trunk. 

Lyra say at the kitchen table coloring as her sister cleaned herself up

She pulled off herself after she in a closed door, and started to blot at the cuts hissing at the pain

Meanwhile downstairs... 

There was a crack outside and four people appeared. They walked into their friends old childhood home and gently opened the door

Neither of the girls heard and the four walked into the kitchen and the one in front stopped dead in his tracks making the rest bump into him

"bloody hell Pads at least warn us" said an annoyed James Potter who was now readjusting his glasses

Sirius moved to the side letting his family see the little girl coloring at the kitchen table

Lyra heard someone speak and looked up in fear then went pale

Sirius walked over and said gently "hey hey it's ok hun what's your name?"

Lyra stayed silent and Remus walked in and scanned through the letter on the table trying to figure out who this little girl was, and why she was sitting in the Black's old family house

Remus said to the little girl gently "is your name Lyra hunny?" she nodded and Lily continued kindly "hello Lyra are you here alone" 

Lyra stayed still and Sirius sighed Harry then said to himself "she looks like Cas" "Cas your friend Cas?" replied his father

Remus then handed Harry the letter who read it and said "oh my god"

Cas then came down the staircase holding her wand, and went in the kitchen seeing the four new arrivals and thought to herself "shit shit shit" 

She then said "listen I know this is weird, but the is our families old house and were only staying here the night, and I really didn't think anyone was gonna be here we can leave if you want" 

She then layed eyes on one of her best friends and said "Harry?!" 

Harry smiled and said "hello Cas how are you doing this fine day?" Lily slapped her sons arm playfully and Cas glared at him slightly

Sirius then spoke to Cas "hun it's ok stay here as long as you need, but what's your name?"

Cas then said "Cas Lestrange and this is my sister Lyra Lestrange" Sirius's eyes widened and Cas quickly spoke "don't worry neither of us are anything like our mother"

Harry backed up his friend and said "she's not" Sirius then spoke "how do you know her" "she's one of my best friends I've told you about her"

Remus then said "it's ok we don't judge people based on their parents, but what are you doing here" Cas replied "I got disowned for being Lesbain and a Gryffindor. I also yelled at my Mom and I brought Lyra with me because there is not wy I was leaving her there" 

Sirius then said "you guys can take Andromada's room if you like I know she wouldn't mind" 

The sister thanked him then James asked "how did you get disowned if you don't mind us asking" 

Cas spoke to her sister "hey Ly do you wanna take your backpack upstairs" 

Lyra nodded and took her backpack upstairs without speaking

Cas then said "sorry I don't want her hearing what went on she's already had enough happen to her tonight" 

Lily smiled and gestured for everyone to sit down 

Everyone sat and Sirius said "start at the beginning your family"

She took a deep breath and said "well it was just my Mom Lyra and me in the house, and I have a complicated relationship with my mom. She never bothered Lyra much, but I would always argue back and didn't care about what she said with pissed her off" 

Cas continued "my biological dad died before I was born, but I don't think I would have gotten on well with him either if he was anything like my Mom. His name was Regulus Black"

Sirius went pale and said "Regulus..?" 

Cas then said "I know that's the "Noble House of Black for you"" she said the noble house of black part sarcasticly which made the adults smile and she then said to Sirius "I'm sorry you look really familiar" 

Sirius replied "I'm Sirius Black. Regulus was my brother, and I didn't even know Bella had kids" 

Neither of them put two and two together

Cas smiled and continued on "my step-dad was ok I think I don't remember him very well all I know is that we took his last name Lyra was just born when he died"

Lyra then came back in the kitchen

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