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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV.

"Can I actually say goodbye?" I questioned myself with so much doubt and uncertainty as a hundred thoughts were bothering my head while standing in front of the art gallery stadium where everything began between Jennie and I.

Would this really be the last time I would enter this place?

I took a deep breath before proceeding towards where Jennie's mom artwork is posted. I stopped my motion once I reached it, and stood in the middle where Jennie used to stand every time she's visiting this place to watch her mom's last artwork.

I traveled my eyes around the huge space then came to realize I was the only one here. I kept my hands inside my coat before diverting my eyes towards the picture.

I've always been coming here for the past two years whenever I think of Jennie. This spot where I'm standing right now makes me feel her presence which saddens me more knowing I could never see her again.

It's been a few months since the time I met Jennie's dad and sister. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder, after meeting Jennie's father and her sister who've hurt her so much and have done a lot of miserable and unforgivable things to her in the past before she passed away. I should be upset with them for everything since I was the one who have been on Jennie's and see her bare all the pain inside her, but instead, I felt sorry for them not only because of the fact that they are Jennie's family members and I am obliged to apologize, but it's because I've seen how much they regretted it, and how much it is still tormenting them until now just like how it does to me right now. Looking at myself, who hasn't really done initially anything that Jennie got killed, and just blamed myself for it because it's what I feel it should be. My only mistake was being able to forget her for a long time, and falling in love with a different person.

Will I be able to look at myself the way I looked at them?

Can I actually forgive myself too?

"Aren't you tired yet?" I heard a faint female voice coming from a near distance.

"You've been standing there for hours looking at the art."

After hearing her voice, I couldn't help but to feel disturbed because of the familiarity not just of her voice, but also the sense of her presence. I turned my head, and my world just stopped in an instant at that very moment once I saw the one who's in front of me.


My eyes completely went wide as my nerves started to feel tense. A warm smile drew her face as if everything was fine and nothing happened.

"Taehyung-a." She said with a wide smile plastered on her lips as tears started to form in the corner of my eyes while my mind was having a hard time forming some words, while my emotions are overflowing with so much longing for her.

"A-am I dreaming right now?"

"What do you think?" She replied, letting out a chuckle before diverting her eyes towards the painting in front of us while my eyes never left her as I was taking my time to fill the longing I had for her, very much aware of the fact that this will be the last time.

"I remember coming here everyday after my mom's death because I feel like her presence lives inside this picture,but you know what? Each day I'm feeling that presence the more it made me depressed and feel more lonelier knowing the fact I would never see her again." She said, stating exactly how I am feeling whenever I'm here.

"Standing here watching that painting all day feels like continuously knocking to a closed door that would never open again." She said, before turning her gaze over me with her eyes filled with so much passion.

"I'm already a closed door, Taehyung. Why are you still knocking?"

"I already went away. What are you still doing here?" I can't help but to bite my lower lip as tears began to roll from my eyes as pain began to break in again.

"Jennie, I'm sorry." That's all I could ever say.

"If I'm sick and tired of hearing that again and again, you must be tired of saying that again and again too."

"Don't you hate me? I failed to protect you, I forgot you, I fell in love with a different person." I said with a bitter tone while letting out my hatred towards myself.

"Taehyung-a, have I ever told you? After my mom died, I thought I would be the loneliest thing in the world. I had no friends who'd stay with me, my dad is probably too busy with his new family, but still I didn't." She said before a reassuring smile was formed on her lips while staring at my eyes.

"Because you came, Taehyung. You came to me like a gift from heaven, you gave me a reason to smile again, to laugh again. to love again, and to have a reason to live each day. If it wasn't because of you, I would never be happy as I am now. That's why there was never a moment or will be a moment that I'd be able to hate you." She spoke before taking a step forward and brought her hands towards my face, and began wiping my overflowing tears from my eyes, then cupped my cheeks with her small hands.

"So, Taehyung, you can stop hurting yourself now, you've gone through much already. I know you're just holding on because you feel sorry for me, but I know I'm no longer the person that fully contains your heart, and that's okay, I'm the happiest person when I see you smile even if I wasn't no longer the reason for that smile." My tears are unstoppable, her words are gradually taking out the torn that are attached to my heart.

"You can let go of me now, Tae. Just think of me as a person who's part of your wonderful memories which your heart will never forget."

"You never forgot me, Taehyung. Your mind did, but I know your heart never did so there's nothing to be sorry about." She took a step closer bringing her hands on my cheeks caressing it with her thumb.

"I missed you so much Jen. Thank you so much for existing in my life, you have no idea how much happiness you brought me during those times. I would never forget them. I would never forget you again, Jennie." I mumbled, as I held one of her hands on face caressing it with my thumb staring deeply in her eyes, filling up all the moments I've missed.

"Me too, Taehyung. Promise me this will be the last time you'd ever come to this place." She asked, as I nodded my head in response. She held my head closer to her face as she placed an one last kiss on my forehead slowly washing all the pain away. I pulled her closer to mine, securing her around my arms as she whispered something in my ear before her presence gradually went away.

"Goodbye, Tae. I love you." 


Next will be the Epilogue..

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