chapter 17. First meet

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The very first time you meet someone, a spark generates in your heart. Sometimes, it might even turn into fire.


" What a life! I have to get ready a presentation for my own company " I grumbled, working on the slides.

I added the pie chart pic at last and breathed out in relief. Hush! Finally done with it.

Clicking on save button, I finally took a breath. This Ashton, I feel like strangling him someday.

" Idiot " I grumbled, muttering colourful words for him.

I was gazing at stars few hours ago and that was when he decided to call me, well more like disturb me. He told me to add another slide along with a pie chart in the presentation.

Couldn't he say this before? Like he loves to take my sleep away. He is a complete jerk! And I won't ever disagree on that.

He has been like this since our first meet.

I still remember the first time I met him, my lips curved up into a smile.

That was definitely something...

Sitting outside the cabin, I breathed out slowly waiting for my turn. I have worked really hard for this, I made sure I was the perfect one among all the candidates.

I really need this job, it is the only way to stay near him. From past few months I have been keeping an eye on him, to make sure nothing fishy happens. But to my bad luck, he was attacked. Not once but twice.

Thanks to my men, they handled the situation quite well. First time, someone failed breaks of his car. He could have bloody died that day if they would have not hit his car. But this guy was literally on the verge of sending them jail.

I looked up as I heard the sound of clicking door. A girl in her late twenties, came out with a cold look. She wore a short dress, it looked like she was not here for an interview but for partying.

Ouch! Her looks depicted that she could kill anyone the very next moment.

" Asshole, bastard, pain in ass" she went away cursing under her breath. Uh... OK. I should not be saying this, but is Ashton such a jerk?

" Next candidate please" I heard the call, taking a deep breath I stood up. You know, sitting beside these girls I felt as if I am over dressed.

When I was just wearing white top with black trousers, here everyone was sitting in either short dresses or pencil skirts ending at mid thigh. I wonder if they were here for interview.

I knocked at the door and heard a faint 'come in'. I opened the door and looked around, this office was really beautiful and had a homey feeling.

The furnitures were made up of sleek black wood, there was a bookshelf at the corner of the room, the walls were painted in peach colour with few butterflies imprinted at the corners.

There were two couches along with a table at the left side of the room, and from the ambience I could guess that this office was definitely designed by David.

He always had that homey and positive vibe in his office, he mostly planted few bonsai trees to decorate the indoor.

My eyes shifted to the centre. A sleek black wooden table kept in the middle, a penstand and many files kept, disorganized I might add.

But what attracted me the most was the man sitting behind the table, working on his laptop. Brown hair, pale green eyes, his well sculpted body that was hidden behind his suit he wore. He was typing furiously.

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