Chapter 16. Memories

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When we return back to the same place, it brings back all the memories. Whether it be good or bad, it will come back because they still reside somewhere in back of our mind.


It was a perfect night for selenophiles, the moon lovers. The crescent shone brightly in the sky, the lighter clouds formed a foggy curtain over it making it look mesmerizing.

The indigo inky blue sky looked like a beautiful canvas, where thousands of stars painted upon it.

The sky looked tragically beautiful, the graveyard of stars shone brightly in the dark night.

How beautiful is the relationship between the dark night sky and the moon, so contrasting, yet so incomplete without each other....

When I was a child, I always thought that the moon followed me everywhere I went. It always made me feel special and happy that I was so lucky to have moon all by myself.

I chuckled sadly, wierd fantasies we had during our childhood. I feel childhood is a lot better time period than any other phase of our life. Atleast you do not have anything to get worried of. That phase is not less than any fairytale.

No stress, no heartbreaks, no responsibility, just eat, play, maybe study a little and then sleep. What a life! I wish I could live my childhood again, it was the best phase of my life and I guess of everyone's.

I grew up in Paris, I love yet hate this place. I love it because I spent my childhood here, many beautiful memories are cherished by me and I hate it because it is responsible for every misery of mine.

As I grew older, I started seeing cruel side of the world. The real world. Where no one loves anyone, everyone is selfish and are seeing their own good.

People here have forgotten what humanity is, I sometimes wonder why do we even call ourselves as humans.  We are worst than any monster, who are filled with revenge, agony and manipulation.

I am not saying that everyone is like that, but there are few people and due to them our life shatters. Few were in my life too, murderers of my mum and dad.

I was 15 years old when they left me all alone, it was the hardest phase of my life. I was all shattered, I did not knew what was I supposed to do.

I was craving for their warmth, for the first time I was craving my mum's lecture. I was craving for dad's warm and protective hug, I was craving for their love and attention. I was missing their pampering.

I was just missing them....

They never said goodbye to me, they just left me without any warning, they were just gone before I knew it. It hurts the most because you know it, no one can ever love you that same way they did.

I was completely broken at that phase, Angel and David helped me the most. They looked at me as their own daughter, spoiling me rotten with their love and care. I still can not be thankful enough to god for sending them in my life.

And I still cannot stop whining enough for snatching them away from me.

I still do not know who murdered them, it was so perfectly planned like an accident that I was not able to find a single clue about it.

But I just know one thing, the one who murdered my parents are the one who murdered my angel and David as well.

I still remember that day, why I met Ashton. Why I entered his life, why I had to do this. It was for them. It was for my lifelines.

My angel and David....

And I also remember how I lost them.
The memories never fade away from your mind, and so did mine.

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