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"Corpse, there's a letter for you from the hospital." She said, handing it to him.
He looked at it? His eyes widened before he took it. He quickly ripped it open and scanned the paper. His face got darker as he read more.
"What is it?" She asked softly, coming closer.
"No." He said harshly, pulling away. She was confused and slightly hurt.
"I just- is something wrong?" She asked, backing up.
"There is always something wrong. Wether it be your family drama or my fucking health issues." He spit harshly.
"I don't know where this aggressiveness is coming from, but you shouldn't be directing it at me." She said, wiping the sad look from her face and replacing it with a more fierce look.
"God- just. Just fuck off for now." He mumbled.
"What?" She hadn't expected him to say something like that.
"JUST FUCK OFF!" He yelled.
Her eyes widened. Screaming had always been a little much for her, especially when someone she cared about yelled at her.
Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them away.
"Where do you want me to go? Huh? Hell?" She snapped back.
"If you want. Hells just a knife away, a few drugs popped, a gun to your head away." He snapped straight back. Her eyes widened even more.
"Hell, could even starve yourself to death and that would be killing yourself."
She felt one tear slowly slide down her face as anger overtook.
"You have no right to talk to me like that. Why are you so fucking upset?" She yelled.
"Because- god. We need to break up!" He admitted. She was taken a back. She felt her heart stop for a moment. The anger washed away, replaced with fear.
"What?" Her voice cracked.
"We need to fucking break up."
"What do you mean?"
"God. PHEOBE IM NOT GOOD FOR YOU. One day, very soon I could die. Form chronic pain. I could just die and you'd be left all fucking alone." He shouted once again.
"So you just want me to walk out of your life? You want me to leave? You want me to go somewhere?" She asked, a new anger rising.
"Yes! That's exactly what I what. I need you to go. I need you gone. We need to back back to nemesis and corpse. Faceless streamers that are private and don't date anyone."
"You want to throw this whole thing away? Everything we've been through, the times we've just casually talked about our mental health, opening up to each other and you want to throw all that fucking shit away?"
"Yes! Pheobe, we need to go back to how it was before you were introduced to me. Before we talked." He shook his head.
"I cannot do that. I physically and mentally cannot do that." A few tears slipped down her face.
"Well you need to."
"Where is this coming from? Just wanting us to break up and wanting me to just pack up and leave."
"Everything. Nemesis; we're not good for each other. We are awful towards each other and you need to know so I need you to go." He pleaded.
As tears continuously streamed down her face, she gave him a look, rushing into the Bathroom and locking it. She used the sink to wet her hands as she used her fingers to stroke through her hair.
She felt her heart speed up. She felt hammer shitting her head violently. It was as if she couldn't control herself. It felt like red fire ants were crawling all over her. Like she was living through a movie with her eyes and it was her life, but she couldn't control it. She felt the shattering pain as she looked herself in the mirror, unintentionally smashing it with her fist.
She looked down, the hand was bleeding nonstop. She scrambled to wrap a towel around it before this coma like trance took over again.
So she fought. She used her head and she fought. One idea came to mind. Pain killers, first aid kit and that was in the medicine cabinet, in the bathroom.
Bingo, pills.

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