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The whole community was shocked

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The whole community was shocked. It took four days for them to find the bodies. Karl had called them dozens of times and got worried, finally calling the police. The police bursts in after an extended amount of time of no answer. They were met with the dead bodies.
Corpse laid there, dried blood covering his chest, his hand was intertwined with his dead lover.
They had only identified the bodies after calling Karl back and looking around the apartment, seeing the streaming setup.
It was a heartbreak to say the least.

Karl was distraught over their deaths, blaming himself for not checking up on them enough.

Hafu was in disbelief. She had just lost two more friends to suicide, reckful being the first and of course she blamed herself. Nemesis was like a daughter to her.

And 5up, Tina, Fundy and the rest of the among us group that were relatively close to the couple, their grief was just as bad. For the first week after their deaths, none of them streamed or talked on social media, just grieving their friends deaths.
For the funeral, several people flew in. Even Fundy from the Netherlands, accompanied by 5up. Hafu and David were there as well. As was Janet, Rae, Courage, Nadeshot, Karl, DK, Steve, Tina, Brooke and a few other close content creators. The funeral was short. It was closed coffin ceremony and they were buried next to each other, in a very very private cemetery.
They were doused in daisies, her favorite flower.
The reception was just as short and sweet, the will being read there:

"They explicitly said that they would give everything to the Trevor project and suicide hotline." This caused several people to bursts out in tears because they would help others with suicide, but not themselves.
At the reception, many shared stories of each of them. Those who hadn't cried during the reading of the will, cried during this part. Everyone did, but the thing that hurt everyone the most was the last part of the funeral.

Apparently Corpse had scribbled one thing before dying and that was...

Apparently Corpse had scribbled one thing before dying and that was

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And that's a wrap on 'sorry'
The story was meant to be sad and I had already planned the ending as soon as I started writing. The story is meant to bring awareness to suicide and mental health.
If you have any suicide implications, please contact someone. Don't be like nemesis's and corpse in this story.
I've dealt with mental health issues for years and I've attempted over four times. I was found almost dead and I made a friend of mine see my body, almost dead. So I'm begging if you're struggling or about to go through with suicide, please call this number.

I hope you enjoyed this story even if it was sad. I love everyone here and pease get help if you need it. Get a drink of water too, if you've just finished crying or still are you're losing hydration. Go rehydrate.

sorry - corpse husbandWhere stories live. Discover now