Chapter 7

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Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, a formidable foe, one of the most powerful Avengers was the first to attack. She targeted your mind, red tendrils sneaking across the floor with an immense speed, striking your head within a second.
You let her in, opening your mind to her presence, giving a false sense of security before you hit back. The steel trap that was your mind snapped shut, severing Wanda's connection and sending a shockwave back into her own mind. Her body looked like it was electrocuted, jerking backwards, a quick shake before collapsing and falling into unconsciousness.

Three down, seven to go.

The remaining members of the team were shocked into inaction at the almost unbelievable fall of the Scarlet Witch.
Steve Rogers was the first one to break into action, his arm launching the bright shield with deadly accuracy. Sunlight reflecting of the metal made the shield an easy target. The air seemed to grab onto the circular object and halt it in mid air before launching it back the way it came.
Now that is a frisbee.
The shield struck Captain America full in the face and another body fell to the floor, a bruise and lump quickly rising on an unconscious face, covering forehead to chin.

Four down, six to go.

The few seconds it took for Steve to fall allowed more heroes to break free from their shock. Natasha Romanoff pulled out twin handguns and started firing, walking forwards confidently in the process.
Luckily you were a bit more prepared for bullets this time.
The shield taken from Captain America was in the air once again, really pushing the control you mastered over the air. It hovered in front of your body and took the bullets, most dropping to the floor, a few ricocheting off. By sheer luck one flew upwards from the curved shield surface and struck Sam Wilson. More specifically his flying falcon wings. The booster cut off and he dropped from the sky onto a roof he was flying over. A few metres didn't cause much damage but the roots and vines that were called from across the nearby city gardens did hamper his escape attempts.

Five down, five to go.

Black Widow wasn't done just yet. A dagger or two was quickly drawn and flung at your head, above the red, white and blue shield. Your quick reflexes managed to move your head to avoid one blade, unfortunately the other sharp instrument struck your cheek, slicing a narrow, shallow cut that soon leaked blood.
War Machine's guns also whirled into life at the same time, a large automatic gun appearing from his shoulder, more bullets flying to your body. A wall of thick roots rose from the building behind you and created an impenetrable fortress, covering your head and both sides, just leaving forwards and backwards open. 
You smirked at Tony Stark as he was now the only Avenger visible. His hands glowed and both burst with energy, repulsors firing too quickly to stop. Your body flew backwards through the doorway before striking the wall just in the building. Groaning you watched Ironman walk rapidly towards your fallen body repulsors powering up again. You released more energy than ever before and called for more help. The surrounding roots snapped with the power, sealing remaining holes whilst reaching to the Ironman suit, arms and legs wrapped tightly before dragging the straining armour backwards into a wall of living roots and vines. It took more power than you expected but soon the arc reactor was smashed, causing the suit to die and trapping a billionaire within.

Six down, four to go.

You so desperately wanted to rest but the wall of roots was falling apart. Fists, bullets, knives, a hammer and a glowing yellow beam from Vision was slicing through. You didn't want to run either. They were all faster than you so it was better to make them know their place now. You just wanted to be left alone. If fighting and defeating the Avengers once allowed that dream to happen then so be it. You wouldn't kill but you definitely wouldn't pull your punches either.

The four remaining Avengers all broke through together. Typical.

War Machine was taken down just as Ironman had been. Roots and vines reached quickly and wrapped themselves around legs and arms. A particularly strong vine snapped off the guns adorning the flying armour, better for it to be weaponless at this point in time. The armour was then swallowed into the writhing mass, only a few hints of black metal could be seen.

Seven down, three to go.

Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson and The Vision were all a bit more difficult to take down.
Thor simply tore through the roots to reach your, slowly but steadily making his way to your still sitting body. 
Romanoff was slicing apart everything she could see, life falling to the ground and dying around her stationery feet. With each death of a plant you felt your emotion flaring up. Sadness for each vine's death, anger at their careless actions. 

You just wanted to be left alone. Hydra had attacked you, aiming to kill or capture. Who knows? Police had aimed guns at you, keeping you from leaving. Now the Avengers had backed you up into a corner and forced you into a fight for freedom, for life.

But something more pressing soon took over your thoughts.
The Vision was dematerialising and floating through the mass of life, why didn't he just do that before? Wanted to help his teammates through or another reason?
He continued to approach but didn't seem to be in a hurry, a steady walking pace but a few inches from the ground. You struggled to stand to face him, forming a collection of roots to form around the open doorway. As Vision passed through into the building roots tried to grip his limbs but they passed through his translucent body like everything else. His steady pace didn't even falter.

He stopped in front of you, reforming his hands and reaching for your collapsed form. He gripped your shoulders and helped you to stand, leaning you against the wall you previously hit. A confused face looked into his metallic one. 

Why wasn't he attacking or arresting you? What did he want?

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