Chapter 28

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"What do you mean?" Regina asked, her face now full of fear.

Robin shrugged his shoulders and spoke in almost a whisper, "I don't know. He was here earlier, but I can't seem to find him anywhere?"

"Have you tried his room?" Nila asked, now free from the vine's grip.

"That's the first place I looked." Robin replied, "But he's not there."

Marian looked pale. "Well, then where is he?"

Regina shot his mother a icey-cold glare. "You should know. You're probably the one responsible."


The Queen placed her hands on her hips and scoffed, "Yes, you. This is all your doing. You said it yourself, you're taking back your son. Well," she stepped closer towards the woman, so that their faces were only centimetres apart, "Whatever you've done, wherever you've hidden him, I will find him, make no mistake. And after that, I am going to make sure you never see him again. Because he's not your son, not anymore."

"He's never going to be anyone's unless we find him." Nila replied, reaching into her pockets to retrieve a blue handkerchief.

"That's Roland's." Came a voice from behind them. Regina recognised it immediately and rolled her eyes. Couldn't he just leave well enough alone?

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, David. Now, do you remember the spell?"

The girl nodded and opened her palm, staring intently at the handkerchief. Within just a few seconds, a bright light appeared in her hand, and the cloth seemed to become enchanted.

Nila had used a locator spell, which would enchant the object of the person you wanted to find so that it would lead you to them. "Is this really necessary?" Marian whined, after climbing what felt like hundreds of staircases. "If you ever want to see your son again, I suggest you keep your mouth closed and use your energy on climbing these stairs. We need to be ready for whoever's kidnapped him."

Robin, who had been trailing at the back along with his daughter, smiled. "You don't think she did this?" He asked Regina. The Queen turned around.

"She may be stupid enough to take on me, but I doubt she'd stupid enough to kidnap her own son."

"Yes, you've already tried that one, haven't you?" Nila commented under her breath, waiting to see if her mother retaliated in any sort of way. Clearly, she was too busy trying to rescue the son of the man she loved, to be engaged in any kind of feud with her teenage daughter.

"Thank you, Regina." Marian said, smiling. "For believing me about this."

"The things we do for our children." The Queen replied, pacing herself as she continued her climb to the top. "Couldn't we just... poof there?" Nila asked, raising her eyebrows. She wasn't exactly used to climbing stairs, not now that she had magic.

Robin chuckled, "For the daughter of a world-renowned outlaw, I'd expect you to have more stamina than that."

"Yeah, well, you'd think a thief would take better care of his possessions." The girl smirked, she was definitely learning from her mother.

As they neared the top, the four of them, all totally out of breath and exhausted, took a second to plan their attack. "Marian, you stay here."

"What?! He's my son, it should be me." The woman retorted, folding her arms and frowning.

"It's not like you'll have any use in there, anyway."

"She does have magic." Robin murmured, earning himself a glare from the Queen.

"So do we. And quite frankly, our magic combined is a hell of a lot stronger than what you have." Regina raised her eyebrows; the thief was supposed to be on her side!

Marian turned to the Queen, "Just, make sure he's safe. Promise?"

"Of course I promise. Nothing will happen to Roland, he'll be fine." Upon hearing this, the woman smiled and nodded. It was all she really wanted, her family.

Just as the trio turned to go through the door, Marian's face became expressionless and her eyes darkened. "Where do you think you're going?" There was a slight edge to her voice that the girl had never heard from her before. It was almost as if it was someone else talking. Turning back around slowly, Nila stared at her in a confused manner. "Marian? Are you okay?"

The woman's face stayed almost the exact same as she repeated herself, "I asked you a question. One you will answer. Where do you think you are going?"

Nila looked over at her father who seemed to be as confused as ever. Regina, however, seemed to understand exactly what was going on. "You're not really Marian, are you?" She asked, walking towards her. The Queen narrowed her eyes and looked into the pair staring back at her. "Someone's got your heart. Someone's controlling you. Who?"

"You always were a clever little girl." Marian replied, her eyes not even twitching as Regina stepped back in shock. "Regina, what is it? Who's controlling her?" Robin asked, placing a protective arm around the Queen's shoulder. "The only other person here that can use magic: my mother."

*AUTHOR'S NOTE - Of course she'd up to no good smh. If you enjoyed, leave a vote and comment below and I'll see you.... at some point. (I have a bit of a block ngl but at least there's only two chapters left!) ly all!

Sarah xxx

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