Chapter 14

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They walked in silence up to the main part of the palace, occasionally acknowledging the strange looks they were given by passers-by. When they reached the glass doors, leading into the great hall, Nila turned to the prisoner and said, "Everything's going to be alright, I promise. And you don't have to worry about Regina," She watched as Marion turned to look at the Evil Queen in a way the girl could only describe as pure terror, "She's different now."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I trust her. Marion, a lot has changed since you've been locked up down in that dungeon. I've changed. And so has Regina."

With this last comment, the girl opened the doors and entered into the bustling hall, filled with people trying to socialise and discuss the day's events. Nila pushed through the crowds, still accompanying Marion, and still being followed like a hawk by her mother and Snow.
It wasn't too much of a challenge to find her father amongst the others. He was waiting at their table with Roland. Cora, however, was nowhere to be seen. Luckily, it seemed the girl spotted them before Marion did, she wanted to keep this situation as under-control as possible.

"Robin." She said, tapping his shoulder. Upon hearing his daughter's voice, he turned around, but nothing could prepare him for what he saw. "Marion!" He cried, standing up and throwing his arms around her. Pressing his head into her shoulders, he saw Regina out of the corner of his eye, and so stepped away, feeling more than guilty.

The Queen was fuming. She knew it was hard for Robin too, but she knew that actions had consequences, and she'd soon be chucked to the side, wanted by no one. Not even her daughter. "Mama?" Not to mention Roland, this adorable little boy she'd fallen in love with.The way he'd treated her, like she was his mother, would be no more. Because now, he had his real mother, and nothing Regina could do would change that. It was all too much for her, so she stepped outside.

She ran her fingers through her hair before placing her head in her hands. She was so angry, so hurt, so alone. "Regina? Are you okay?" Snow seemed to have followed her outside, and really wasn't helping right now. "What do you think?" The Queen scoffed, "Because of a naive, pre-teen girl, I've lost everything - again."

Snow sympathised with this comment, and walked closer towards her former stepmother, "As much as I know what I did was wrong, with Daniel, with your mother, I don't think you should blame your daughter. She just wanted to help someone."

Of course her losing everything would be the consequence of an act of heroism. Of course she was getting hurt again, and maybe she deserved it. Maybe it was the price of finding her daughter. "Robin loves you." The princess continued, "I don't think his ex-wife's return will change that. Regina, I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he smiles whenever you're there. He loves you."

The Queen stared at the floor, kicking away a stray pebble. She wanted to be strong about all of this, but she was too hurt. "Daniel loved me." She choked out, the tears stuck in her throat. Why couldn't she understand? Marion was his wife, and more importantly - Roland's mother. Who was she kidding? She would never be as important to him as Marion was, or is.

Robin burst through the doors with his wife behind him. "Marion. At least meet her. Please. She's not at all what you think." He walked towards Regina, holding out his arm. "I want you to meet Marion." The Queen folded her arms, looking down at the floor. "I want us to talk about this." He placed his hand on her arm, staring lovingly at her.

Marion looked at her husband in disgust. Was he with her? "Wait." She said, the tears forming in her eyes, complete disbelief taking over her entire being. "Were you two... are you two together?" Robin had never felt so confused in his life. He had found his wife, the person he swore to always be loyal to, but he also had Regina, the woman he was about to propose to. The thief didn't want to cause a scene, not in front of everyone else. And not in front of his children. "Marion, please-" He began, but was quickly interrupted by his wife.

"You, and the Evil Queen?" How dare she? How dare a stranger saunter into her home and call her that? She was not the Evil Queen anymore, everyone knew that.  How could she let this woman disrespect her in front of her children? Regina opened her hand, more than ready to dispose of her with a quick fireball to the face. But seeing the way Robin looked at her, with love in his eyes, seemed to persuade her that it probably wasn't the best idea.

"Did you let her near my son? Seen the terror she's caused and pain she's inflicted? She's corrupted our daughter, put her under some kind of spell." Nila shook her head, wanting this all to stop. She'd just found her mother, and already ruined her life. Just like Snow had done. She knew it was hard for Marion to find out that her whole family had grown up, lived on without her. Robin was with her mother, and Roland saw Regina as a mother figure. And for the girl, the Queen really was her mother. Nila realised just how much her life had changed since the day she arrived at the palace.

Suddenly, a whole gaggle of people seemed to emerge from the doors, curious as to what was going on outside. She watched as Charming pushed his way through the crowds and stood next to her children. "Is everything okay?" Ruby asked, running to stand next to her friend. "Well, no one's been incinerated yet. So, that's a good sign."Charming replied.
The Queen rolled her eyes, he really wasn't helping. How were people supposed to believe she'd changed when he was here to chirp in their ears and remind them of her past?
"Regina?" Belle asked, "Are you alright?"

Marion turned to face the crowd, looking at them in shock. "What is wrong with you people? Why are you talking to her? Don't you know who she is?" Roland stepped forward, reaching out his arm to the Queen, "Mama? What's going on?" Her head started spinning. Even her son, her little boy, had fallen into the witch's web of lies. She tried to pull him back but Regina placed a protective arm around his shoulder. "Look what you've done to my children! You are not their mother. And after today, you are never going to go near them again, do you understand me?" Marion commanded, reaching forward and picking her son up in her arms.

Nila watched as her mother turned around and walked away, not even stopping to look back. Part of Robin wanted to follow her, to put his arms around her and tell the Queen just how much he loved her. But he had enough common sense to know that it would be a fool's idea. He had to give her space.

The girl started to run after her, but was stopped by Charming. "Nila, don't. No good has ever come of pushing that woman." How dare the prince talk about her that way? He was lucky she hadn't ripped his heart out when she'd had the chance. She scoffed, "That's my mother."
"I know," Ruby said, looking down at her sympathetically, "But trust me, she needs space."

Charming folded his arms and shook his head. "It's what she does in that space that I'm worried about. Remember, Cora's here now, and she's never been the greatest influence on Regina. Do you remember what happened the last time she lost love? She may be good now, but this could push her back over the edge."

Nila stopped, her face pale. "You don't think she could become evil again?" She began, looking around at the rest of the group, but no one said anything. "She can't. She's come too far!" Snow White looked at David in a concerned manner, placing a caring arm around the girl's shoulder. "I hope you're right." She whispered. And she'd be telling the truth.

*AUTHOR'S NOTE - Recognise this scene? Thought you did! Anyways, remember to leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed. And ILY all so much!! Huge shout out to my first fan ❤️ MerelVanLuik

Sarah xxx

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