Chapter 19

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Lmao please stay until the end - I think it's funny but it may not be 😂

Nila was still pretty shaken after the conversation with Marian. She didn't understand how her mother could have changed so much in the few years she'd been imprisoned. Although, the girl wasn't oblivious to the effects of being locked behind bars, alone, for so long. She knew what it had done to the dark one, making him go crazy, but she'd never stopped to think what it must have been like for a woman with a family. A family who, for all those years, thought her to be dead. And while the girl understood why Marian was doing this, to get revenge, she also knew that going up against the queen was a stupid idea.

Not even Nila could defeat her mother, and she had the strongest of light magic in all the realms, so how would Marian even stand a chance? She needed to let go of this silly quest for revenge and accept the changes life had thrown at her. Sure, maybe it wasn't fair, maybe it wasn't what she deserved, but the girl knew better than anyone that revenge would leave her with a gaping hole in her heart, just as it had done Regina.

The queen had once had someone taken from her, and she'd spent most of her life wanting revenge on the person responsible: Snow White. However, it had cost her everything, and took her many years to regain and rebuild the trust she once had with these people. All Nila wanted to do was to show Marian this, to warn her that the path of darkness was a slippery one. But there was no way she'd listen; the girl was worried that she may have already been consumed by the darkness, and that would take far more work.

No. She needed to be convinced by someone who'd actually been on that road, felt like everything had been taken from her, felt like it wasn't fair. It was a long shot, but it could work...

Quietly opening the door to her mother's room, she tiptoed inside, heading for the chest of drawers opposite the dressing table. Hiding it from prying eyes, Regina had cast a cloaking spell over it, which could only be undone by herself, orso she thought. The girl couldn't believe her mother had been ignorant enough to seal it with blood magic, did she not remember when Zelena broke in?

With a small flick of her wrist, the drawer opened. Inside was a small, black book with a heart decorating its front cover. It had originally belonged to Cora, and held hundreds of spells inside. Nila knew that she shouldn't be doing this, but she needed to find her mother, and if this was the only way to do so, then so be it. Hastily scanning the list of contents, she found the spell she was looking for and flicked to page twenty-three. A locator spell, perfect.

Staring intently at the page for another few seconds, working out how to use it, the girl closed her eyes and inhaled the magic. The ink seemed to jump straight off the page, turning into a black, sparkly smoke which made her feel slightly dizzy. Her eyes seemed to glow bright yellow for a moment as she absorbed the spell,  before she closed the book and locked it away.

Nila raised her hand above her head, disappearing just moments later. When she next opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark room. Wherever it was, Regina was there, she had to be.

As the girl wandered around the room, observing the stone walls and cobwebs in each corner, she suddenly had a sense of deja vu. Had she been here before? Maybe, although she couldn't quite remember. It was as if the dark magic in the surroundings was blocking out her memory, sucking the oxygen from the air. For a second, Nila wasn't quite sure whether the spell had worked; she couldn't see her mother anywhere.

Suddenly, the girl heard the sound of glass shattering followed by a muffled voice. She stumbled blindly to what seemed to be some sort of door, only there was no handle. Leaning against the door in defeat, she found herself falling onto the cold, stone floor. What was going on? Nila opened her eyes, expecting to see her mother standing over her.

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