Chapter 13

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"Could that be true?" Snow asked in shock as the Queen paced furiously around the room.
"Nila? What makes you think that?"
"This might sound crazy, but I had a vision. That there was someone trapped down there."

A vision? Her daughter was having visions? That was never good news, since visions were usually only delivered to people chosen by Merlin himself, and usually crumbled under the pressure of knowing what the future held. Regina only knew of one other person who could see the future: Rumplestiltskin. And even he thought that knowing the future was no blessing, it was a curse.

"Well then, we must get there at once!" Snow exclaimed, turning towards the door.
"We should use magic," Nila replied simply, "It's quicker."
Regina nodded in agreement, but if she was being honest, she wasn't so keen on the idea of her daughter using magic. She didn't want the gir to end up the way she had.

Within seconds, the trio arrived at the entrance to the dungeons, still a little dizzy. Unlike the others, Nila knew who was in there, and she knew what was going to happen. Still, it was going to be a shock to see her again after all these years. The Queen led the way, ducking under stray cobwebs, it was clear no one had been down here over the last three decades. As they drew closer to the cell, they heard the faint sound of someone sobbing. "You were right!" Regina hissed, stepping over the mice that seemed to have inhabited the area since she'd been gone. 

"Hello. Who's there?" The queen's former-stepdaughter asked, stepping further into the shadows. Nila tried to follow her but was held back by her mother, not wanting the girl to get hurt. "Hello?" Snow repeated, now only a metre away from the metal bars. The woman immediately looked up, staring intently at the princess. "Snow White?" She whispered, the tears on her face seeming to freeze. "What's going on? After I helped you,  I was to be executed by the Queen, but the guards never came. It was like everyone disappeared."

The princess sighed sympathetically and gave the prisoner a quick overview about what had happened and how they had ended up back in the Enchanted Forest. It was at this point that the Queen decided to show herself, before unlocking the cell with a flick of her hands. "It's... It's the Evil Queen!" The woman exclaimed, looking to and from Snow White. "What are you doing here with her?" Regina opened her mouth to explain, but she was interrupted by her daughter walking towards the prisoner. "Marion?" She whispered, "Is it really you?" The woman stared at the girl for a few seconds, wondering if it could be true. Was this her daughter? The baby she had found, abandoned, at the side of the road? And did this mean Robin was here too?

"Nila?" She wiped the tears from her eyes and came rushing to the girl with open arms. "I thought I'd never see you again!"
"Me too." Nila replied, aware of what her mother was feeling at this moment. She knew the consequences of what she'd done, finding Marion. Because she was not just the girl's mother, but Roland's too. The Queen's heart was going to break.
As they parted, Regina placed a protective arm around her daughter's waist, holding her close. "You're... Marion?" She asked in disbelief.
It was as if the prisoner had suddenly woken up from a bad dream. She looked at Regina. "Get away from my daughter." She commanded. "Nila, what are you doing?" The girl sighed. This was going to be the hardest part, telling her mother that the person they'd spent their whole lives hiding from was her real mother.

"Marion. I need to tell you something." She whispered, looking down at the ground, almost in shame. "While you were gone, I... did what you always wanted me to: I found my family."
The woman couldn't believe what she was hearing. Family? What did she mean by family? Surely she didn't mean that the Evil Queen was her real family?
"What are you talking about?" She replied.
"I found my birth mother."

The woman opened her mouth in shock, but no words came out. Nila looked at Marion with love in her eyes, and smiled. "I did." She had nothing left to say, not anything she could speak about in front of her real mother. The girl watched as fresh tears fell down her once-mother's face, feeling the need to give her a hug. Eventually, she wiggled free of Regina's grip and placed her hand on Marion's. "Come on." She whispered, "Let's go find the rest of our family."

*AUTHOR'S NOTE - Enjoy this chapter!! The mystery is revealed! Let me know what you think will happen next! Remember to leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed and I'll see you soon for the next one! Ily all so much and we're nearly at 300 views whatttt and 4,000 on the first book!!!!!!
Sarah xxx

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