Chapter 6

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You woke slowly from your nap, your head still nuzzled into the cushion. You could hear humming and cooking. Slowly you looked over the armrest to see Severus in the kitchen, creating something in a pan. You put your head down and pretended to be asleep as he closed the lid and came to you, kneeling next to the sofa and your undrunk drink.

"Wake wakey" he whispered. "Time to wake up" You made a noise and Severus smirked. "you have to get up some time, I have made some food"

You turned around to see him, smiling slightly. "How long have I been asleep for?" you asked.

"Quite a while" he mused, standing.

"I'm sorry" you mumbled, getting up and stretching.

"You obviously needed the rest" Severus said, going over to the kitchen. "I am making a stir fry" he announced. You got up and went upstairs, pulling Severus' cloak around you before going downstairs again, looking over at Severus as he brought out some plates. "In my cloak again I see" he mused.

"It's comfy" you said, pouting.

"It shows your mine" he mused,

"It also makes me look like a bat" you said, flapping the sides.

"I did not get the nickname dungeon bat for nothing" he said, turning around and placing the food on the plates.

Severus picked them both up and placed them on the table, sitting down at the table and picking up his fork. You sat also, looking at the delicious food in front of you. Severus was great at cooking, probably because he was so good at potions. He also used magic to make his food, adding interesting adapted flavours into his food.

"This is great" you said, eating it slowly and savouring the flavour.

"I am so glad" he said, biting the food.

"Would you like to do after dinner?" you asked.

"I do not really have an opinion" he said. "I will do whatever you wish to do"

"We could play a game?" you asked. "Chess?"

Strip chess Severus thought.

"Good idea" you answered.

Severus smirked and sat back in the seat. "Strip chess it is then" Severus answered, taking the plates through and going upstairs, setting up the chessboard and pieces on the bed. You meanwhile poured some wine and brought it upstairs, seeing Severus as he sat on the bed, smirking slightly. You knew how good he was at this game, and though you had practised and had lessons from him, you still were not as good as him.

Settling on the bed you handed Severus his wine and placed yours in midair so it floated by you.

"You can start first" he mused. You nodded, moving a pawn two spaces and the game commenced.

Severus took a piece and he smirked, raising his eyebrows as you pulled off his cape, placing it on the ground before moving another piece.

Severus kept taking your pieces, and although you took some of his, you were now in your undergarments, Severus moving his eyes all over your body which meant you took his Queen, Severus too busy looking at you. You cackled in glee and Severus frowned, putting his head in his hands. "Damn it" he muttered.

"Got you" you said, smirking.

"You naughty person" he said, pushing a piece forward.

"You were distracted, so I took my chance" you said, chuckling.

Severus huffed and rolled his eyes, he hated to lose, especially in chess. You chuckled, taking a sip of wine and watching him as he carried on moving the pieces but kept looking up at your body which allowed you to effectively take most of his pieces. Soon he was in his pants and socks, his bulge being slightly visible, pressing against his boxers. You smirked and took a few more pieces so now all he had on was his boxers and a frown.

"Check mate" you said, grinning widely.

Severus huffed, pulling his boxers off and crossing his arms.

"Don't be mad" you said, cocking your head. Severus rolled his eyes and put the pieces away. "You just shouldn't have been distracted" you said, giggling.

Severus got up and put the board away, turning back he pushed his hair back and shot you a look. "You are getting good at chess dear" he said, coming over and sitting down on the bed.

"I got lessons from the best" you said, sliding over to him. Severus smiled, bringing you up onto his lap, his dick resting against your stomach. "It is also funny to see you frustrated" you whispered into his ear. Severus smirked widely and pushed you down on the bed, pinning your wrists to it.

"You are such a little tease" he said. "I love it"

"I try my best" you said, looking up at Severus from your position under him. Severus chuckled, his lips going to your neck and giving you sloppy kisses all over your neck and chin.

"Do I get a reward for winning?" you asked.

"Of course" he said, moving his hands up and down your body, teasing between your legs. "You are so beautiful under me" he said,

You went red and breathed harder, feeling Severus again brush between your legs. You started to throb for him, loving how he made you feel.

"Throbbing already?" Severus asked in your ear, nibbling your ear.

You nodded, thrusting your hips slightly.

"So precious" he mused,

Sex starts here:

Severus crawls down to your panties and pulled them off you, breathing against your clit, blowing it slightly with his warm breath. "So wet" he mused, licking you and circling your clit with his tongue. You breathed heavily, grabbing his hair and stroking it in pleasure as he began to further lick you. "Oh sev" you murmured, closing your eyes and closing your legs slightly, pressing your thighs against his head.

"Go on love, squeeze like your life depends on it" he said, carrying on sucking you, beginning to finger you. You squeezed against his head, unable to hold back your pleasure as he stimulated your clit expertly. "Daddy" you murmured.

"Yes sweetheart?" he asked.

"Please carry on" you moaned.

"Yes, of course" he said, pushing you closer and closer to orgasm.

"Daddy" you moaned, bucking your hips and pushing your thighs into him until you orgasmed, moaning his name loudly and feeling pleasure fill you and slowly descend, your clit throbbing and tingling.

"Was that a satisfactory reward?" he asked.

"Yes daddy" you murmured.

"Such a good girl" he said, taking you in his arms and stroking you. "But next time I will not go easy on you"

"In sex?" you asked.

"No in chess" he said. "But I could go harder in sex if you wish"

You giggled and kissed him, feeling your taste on his lips.

You let go and yawned with made Severus hold you closer. "I think it's time for you to sleep, love" he said. "Goodnight"

"Night" you answered, falling asleep together.

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