Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: You have a great power of hearing everyone's thoughts at will (More than just Legilimency), even those powerful Occluments cannot hide their mind from you. This makes your relationship with Severus better because Severus hates to admit things and likes to keep the most important things and his problems to his thoughts.

You and Severus watched as the sun came up for a new day. You two had survived the battle, Severus wearing a vest that would stop Nagini's attacks but make it seem like he had died. Originally Severus wished to die but when he met you he had a reason to live, you needed him and he needed you. So Severus saved himself from death and planned beforehand an escape for you and him to get away from responsibility and pain which you and especially Severus had to go through in the last years.

"This is a new chapter" you said, squeezing his hand.

"It is" Severus responded.

You both got up from sitting, truly seeing Voldermort was defeated and walked into the forest, disapirating away.

You appeared at the other side of Scotland, outside a small cottage on the edge of a large hill. This was your retirement home. You had planned it with Severus for the last two years, you mostly fixed it up and moved things from Spinner's end into this new place.

You walked in and sat, you both were awkward, it felt strange, the responsibility and stress falling off you both in waves. Severus closed his eyes, unable to take in that it was over, he had gotten through it all.

You got up from your seat and next to Severus on the sofa, snuggling into his side gently.

"I wish to never wake from this dream" Severus murmured, looking up at the roof.

"It is no dream Severus, you are free from the responsibilities and hardships you had to go through" you said,

"It is over" he murmured, trying to tell his mind to relax. His mind however went round and round, not believing he was safe, trying to put up walls to protect himself. However, Severus imagined himself pushing these down. He was alive, safe and with you. He did not need to protect himself from anything anymore.

"No more" Severus said. "Today the war ended. No more" He was trying to convince himself of this fact and brought his eyes down from looking at the ceiling.

"It is over" you said, placing your hand gently on his chest. Severus looked at it and blinked before slowly meeting it with yours. "You did it" you said, you survived everything.

Not all of me survived Severus thought

"You are right" you said in response, hearing his thoughts. "But I want to help regrow those parts" you frowned. "Nothing will be the same, but I hope I can at least help."

"You have done so much already" Severus mused, turning his head and leaning into you. You closed your eyes, catching his lips with yours. You both melted to each other's touch and held onto each other, finding it strange you were both safe and both here.

Severus let go and rolled his arm up, seeing the now faded tattoo. "I want something over it" he said, rubbing his thumb over the mark. "The spell of covering it is gone"

"That is a good idea" you said, reaching out and touching his arm. He for the first time did not flinch or withdraw his arm when you touched it. You allowed your fingers to stroke it gently.

"What do you think?" he asked, staring at it.

"How about a doe?" you asked. "To remember her"

Severus thought for a moment, unsure. You did not invade his mind, allowing him to think freely without you inside.

"Yes" he said finally. "To remember her"

You smiled, remembering the time you knew Lily, you loved her like a sister and you were in grief for years when you found out she died. That was what brought you two together, your shared grief over Lily and your dislike for her husband.

"But to only remember" Severus said. "I have you, I do not need her love anymore"

You smiled, taking Severus' hand and squeezing it slightly. "I am glad you love me as much as you loved her" you said.

I love you more he thought which made you smile, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Should we get dinner?" you asked.

Severus nodded and followed you toward the kitchen, helping you make some pasta. Severus found it strange, there was no stress, no expectations. He was free.

Retirement // Severus Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now