Chapter 5

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The town was a little bit of a walk through a wood and over some fields. It was small but had a local shop which looked like it has most things.

First, you went into the little village shop, Severus in toe, looking around unsure at everything. You looked back at him and rolled your eyes. Even with the muggle clothes he still looked out of place, tall dark-haired, he stuck out like a sore thumb but you loved that about him. As much as he looked like an intimidating man he was a softie, well at least to you.

You have Severus a basket and he holds it awkwardly. You started placing items in it, you needed a lot as you had very little in the house to eat.

Severus placed the basket in front of the cashier and he looked at you and him weirdly, checking out the items.

"You are new" he stated.

"Yes" you said, smiling. "We moved into a small cottage around twenty minutes walk from here"

"You both are wizards" he said flatly.

Severus moved for his wand but the cashier put his hand up. "I'm a squib" he said. Severus put his hand back on the counter.

"You both stick out" he said chuckling.

"We do not plan to stick around much" Severus mused.

"I have a small shop for wizards upstairs" he said, ushering you and him to a door. You walked up some steep stairs into an attic space. Severus started to look around, picking some things up. "Do you think he knows about us?" Severus asked in your ear quietly.

"I don't know" you said, "Let us not mention it"

Severus nodded, standing up to his full height and picking up one more thing before going back downstairs, you follow with a couple of things.

"Are there many wizards around?" you asked, half out of curiosity and half worry to be seen by a wizard who knew who you were.

"Yes and no'' he said. "This is the only village around with wizard supplies so many in the surrounding area travel here"

You nodded, taking out both wizard and muggle money, paying for the things.

"You two have a good day" he said as you placed them in the extendable bag and left the shop.

"anything else required?" Severus asked.

You hummed and looked around the small village with Severus. There was nothing much to see but a clothes shop and a small cafe which you went into. You ordered some drinks and cake, settling in at a table for two. Your knee touched slightly under the table and you tapped his foot in a playful manner. Severus tapped yours back gently.

The drinks and cake were placed in front of you but you didn't eat, worried.

"What if someone does recognise us?" you asked in Severus' head.

"I doubt it, this is the middle of nowhere in Scotland." Severus answered.

"What about the squib?" you asked.

Severus shrugged. "We have a subtle face changer" Severus thought.

"Yeah. I'm just being paranoid."

Severus reached out and stroked your arm which lay on the table. With one hand he signals you to lean over to him.

"None will know" he whispered, kissing your cheek and withdrawing his face, sitting properly. "Now eat up, you cannot take in nutrients by just staring at it can you?"

"I guess not" you said, smiling slightly and eating the food.

Severus watched you eat. You were cute when worried he thought. You'd haven't heard that busy eating your food. Severus loved you so dearly, you were his, you chose to help him through the dark part of his life, out into the light. He wanted to thank you but had no idea how, for now, he would love you too the way you deserved to be. loved.

You both finished and left the cafe walking home through the country, holding hands with the bag over Severus' shoulder.

"It's so beautiful here" you said, looking up at Severus.

"it is" Severus mused as the house came into view.

Together you got in and took the magic off your faces, putting them back to normal. You smiled, kissing Severus. "That is better" you said. "My lovely Severus"

Severus smiled, kissing you back and putting his black fluffy slippers on shuffling toward the kitchen, the bag in his hands. You meanwhile flump on the sofa and sighed.

"Tired love?" Severus asked, stroking your back when he came back in. You nodded and Severus moved his hands to your head, stroking your hair. "Would you like some tea?" he asked.

You nodded and Severus went into the kitchen, the kettle switching on and starting to boil.

Severus came back in and placed the steaming up next to you on the floor. You looked over at him as Severus took a seat, crossing his legs and sipping his black tea.

"Would you like more of the story?" Severus asked.

"Yeah" you mumbled, nuzzling into the cushion.

Severus carried on reading, sipping his black tea sometimes as he read to you. You meanwhile closed your eyes again and smiled, soon however you fell asleep.

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