Chapter 4

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You woke sleepily the next day to find yourself in an empty bed. You yawned, looking around to not see Severus. Getting up from the bed you shivered slightly at the cold and put Severus' warm cloak around you. It smelt of him and made you smile, the edge of the cloak dragging slightly on the floor. Slowly you walked downstairs, finding Severus asleep, an open book resting against his chest. You smiled, he was so adorable, his head bowed and his hair falling in front of his face.

Going into the kitchen you started to make some breakfast for you and Severus on the cooker. You pulled the cloak further around you, cooking the food and placing the kettle on for a hot drink. The food started to smell great as you cooked, and soon Severus woke, immediately smelling the delicious aroma and investigating it, finding you, wrapped in his cloak.

"You seem to have taken ownership of my cloak" he mused, watching you as you cooked.

"I did" you said, "It is warm"

Severus kissed your cheek and got some plates out, watching you as you put the food on them.

"How did you sleep?" you ask, worried.

"Okay" he said, lying.

You gave Severus a look and he rolled his eyes. "Fine, not well" he said.

"You should have woke me" you said, slipping your hands around him.

"You were peaceful" he said, kissing your head. "I did not want to take you out of the good dreams you were having"

"Was it just memories?" you asked.

Severus nodded, stiffening slightly. "I am sorry Sev" you said. "But remember you can tell me, you are not alone anymore and you are free from your abusers"

"You are right (y/n)" he said. "I should pull myself together"

"Sev you know that's not what I mean" you said, "You will learn to love and accept yourself in time, like how I love and accept you"

"You seem to be very good at that" Severus said. "Even when I do not deserve it"

"You deserve it love" you said, letting go and cupping his cheek.

Severus grimaced. "Cold hands" he complained.

"Sorry love" you said, chuckling, you went to withdraw them but Severus grabbed your wrist, keeping your hand to him. You smiled as he kissed it and closed his eyes, leaving it there for a moment before withdrawing it again.

Severus went over and picked up the two plates, walking toward the table. You both sat and started to eat the food, enjoying the silence before Severus spoke. "You mean so much to me" Severus said, not looking up, letting his hair hide his face. You looked up at Severus and smiled, taking his hand which rested on the table.

"You mean too much to me also" you said, stroking it slightly.

"I am just worried, what if he survived?" Severus started.

"I don't think so" you said, "We saw it, his body falling, dead on the ground. I am sure Minerva would have also made sure"

Severus nodded, frowning slightly. He came back before he thought.

"I know he did" you said, "But he has no way to now"

Severus sighed, putting some food in his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

"I don't want you hurt. Again" Severus said, pushing his hair back slightly.

"I am safe, I am here" you assured him, your mind going back to a year ago. You had been kidnapped by Voldermort, being seen as an obstacle to Severus' work. You were tortured by him for fun and then given back when Severus managed to persuade Voldermort he needed you. Severus had been terrified and swore never to let you go again.

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