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another memory: Friday, February 9 when my parents were gone for the day and instead of going home, i met you.

when you called me "baby" and took my hand and introduced me to a world i'd never seen before, the day you called me yours and told me to spread my wings and fly, away from my parents and the mansion i was trapped in, the life i was trapped in of appointments and studying and duties, to finally let go.

fuck, you don't know what i'd do to be in your arms again.

Jungkook is embarrassed by now, by the amount of times he's been tearing up just thinking about him, if only they could just go back to how everything used to be, cold February days and kisses in the dark and Jimin's hand in his, standing on his toes to kiss his cheek, hands buried in his sweater, the blush on his cheeks whenever Jungkook called him baby.

- Flashback -

"Jungkook!". Jimin stopped in front of him, catching his breath as he leans onto the taller boy, cheeks flushed, wearing a thick winter coat and more earrings he "borrowed" from his mother.

Jungkook grinned, kissing the top of his head as he pulled him closer with one arm.

"Hey, baby.".

He smiled as he saw Jimin blush and hit his arm lightly, looking embarrassed.

"Where are we going?". He asked, and Jungkook grinned.

"There's a shop I wanted to show you. Seems like something you'd like.".

It wasn't a particular feat to find something Jimin would be interested in, everything that's not part of his everyday life fascinates him, from bus rides to cheap street food to discount stores.

Jimin smiled excitedly, slipping his hand in the pocket of Jungkook's coat as Jungkook wrapped an arm around his shoulder, stopping at one of the many small shops in the street, with stained, dark windows and a sign so old Jimin can practically make out the letters reading "Antique Store", except that the letters are so faded that it looks more like "Ant Sore".

Jungkook smiled knowingly as he opened the door, the bell jingling lightly and he pulled Jimin in.

"What's in here?". Jimin asked quietly, to which the woman at the counter shushed him and tsked loudly, and Jimin flashes her an apologetic smile.

"I'm buying us something. Look around while I get it.".

Jimin smiled and nodded eagerly, peering around to eye the globes and old watches, typewriters stacked in one shelf, watching as Jungkook made his way to the back of the store, rummaging through a pile in an open drawer.

"Find anything you like, baby?". He called as Jimin let his hands travel over some jewelry, and the woman at the counter glared at them again.

"I'm looking. You?".

Jungkook smiled triumphantly, holding one of the old cameras that were on display earlier up.

He headed over to where Jimin is peering over his shoulder.


"We should get these.". Jimin said, pointing at two lockets draped over the wooden boxes. "It's the kind they have in the old movies.".

Jungkook nodded.

"We'll get them someday. I don't have enough cash on me today, but I'll buy us them.".

"It's okay, I ca-".

"Mhm, fine, but another day. For today, there's more I want to show you.".

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