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There's a clatter as a short, dark-haired boy stands on his toes, dropping a book into the mailbox of one of the many small, gray apartment buildings that are all clustered in this part of the neighbourhood, he then rings the doorbell for 1, 2, 3 seconds, and as soon as the intercom turns on, sprints off.

Little did everyone in town know, he'd be gone in less than an hour.


"Who the fuck-". Jungkook frowns, but slips his shoes on, jogging down the staircase to see who just rang the bell. He's been hoping for a specific visit the last few days, but to no avail. All there is is a pair of muddy boots outside of the house, crumpled cigarettes on the ground, sky as grey and ashy and depressing as ever.

He frowns again as he turns around, a note on one of the mailboxes catching his eye.

Delivery for Jeon Jungkook.

He must be going insane, he thinks, seeing traces of the boy who was once-

Fuck, he doesn't want to think about it, but the handwriting just reminds him too much of him, the same loopy, elegant letters and curls in the O's.

With a sigh, he takes the keys from his pocket, letting out a startled sound as a journal falls to the ground with a thump.

No fucking way.

It's him. It's really him, the handwriting and the pastel blue journal with the newspaper letters and creased edges and dog-eared pages.


Dear Jungkook, the letter starts, and Jungkook takes a deep breath, sitting down on his bed and making sure to lock his door.

it's me, jimin. well, you must know it's me. or, at least, i hope so.

i'll be honest. i miss you. i miss you so fucking much that it hurts. i miss you so much that i cry myself to sleep every night, your voice, your touch, your laugh and your eyes on my mind, like some sort of fever dream.

you must be wondering why i'm writing to you, wasting so much time by writing a whole book for you instead of coming to see you. i'll be honest, if i see you, i'll never be able to leave you. and that's what i'm doing.

jeon jungkook, i love you, i love you more than i've ever loved anyone and more than anyone has ever loved me. we're breaking up, and that's why we're breaking up.

but before i leave, i want to tell you that i'll never forget you.

before you forget me, forgive me for leaving you - for leaving us. but please, get on with your life as if i was never there, as if it wasn't you who carried the keys to the golden cage i've been trapped in my entire life. before you forget us, i want you to remember this.

remember the day we first met?

Jungkook's breath hitches, barely noticing the tears streaming down his face as he flips the page.

"Yes.". He whispers, and it's true. He'll never forget that day, as trivial as it was. Even though it was months ago, it feels like yesterday. Everything with Jimin does. They didn't have nearly enough time together.

- Flashback -

Jimin and Jungkook never knew each other before that day. They had heard of each other, maybe exchanged a few words or asked to cheat off the other's homework, but it was one day, one dropped book and empty hallway that brought them together.

Jungkook was forced to stay behind after football practice yet again, after losing their usual game of rock-paper-scissors and was dragging along a whole net of footballs when a small boy came to a halt in front of him, dropping his bag while doing so, a whole pile of books clattering to the ground.

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