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every day without you just gets harder. at first, i was just crying and thinking about you, but as the tears gradually began to fade, the ache in my heart, my longing for you, just sank deeper.

i woke up so many times this night. and every time, i dreamed about you. it was always something else, sometimes i ran way from home, other times you found out what happened, but it all ended in the same way: passionate kissing in the rain, followed by finding myself waking up in your arms.

god, i wish i had never woken up from those dreams. i wish i could just close my eyes, dream about you and maybe one day, it would happen.

but instead, i'd wake up, foolishly thinking you were next to me. it felt so real jungkook, i could feel you around me, even the small scar on the bottom of your left arm, i could smell your cologne, even hear your quiet shallow breaths. but the second i'd turn around, you'd be gone.

so here i am, sitting in the dark, moonlight seeping through my open windows, allowing me to write.

i've said this hundreds of times, and i'll say it hundreds more: i miss you jungkook. i miss you so much, to the point that it physically hurts.

thinking about you, about us, is the only thing that can ease the pain, even if it's just for a fraction of a second before the longing intensifies.

so tell me, do you still remember when we bought the matching lockets?

And of course he does, he's still wearing his around his neck, cheap gold-plated heart lockets with pictures of the other inside of them, awfully cliché but they loved the idea after they saw it in a movie.


"Can we meet up?" Jimin asked Jungkook through the phone. "I have a surprise for you."


"Yes Jungkook, you're not the only one who likes to spoil the other."

Jungkook giggled softly. "Of course not. I'm just excited."

"Meet me in front of the antique store then."

"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes."


"So, what did you plan?" Jungkook asked, jogging up to Jimin.

"Kookie, i can't tell you yet. It needs to be a surprise."

Jungkook groaned, lovingly punching Jimin's shoulder. "C'mon, just tell me."

"Nope!" Jimin retorted, grinning brightly. "You need to learn to be more patient, just like me."

"Fine." Jungkook complained, pouting.

"Aw, okay, I'll let you go because you're cute. Close your eyes and stay still." Jimin instructed.

Jungkook nodded, keeping his eyes just a little bit open, peeking through them, which earned him a light smack from Jimin.

"You're not very subtle." Jimin told him. "Now close them properly."

"Only because I love you."


With that, Jimin turned around, getting behind Jungkook. He had to stand up on his tip-toes to properly fasten the locket onto his neck, smiling as Jungkook seemed startled by the cold metal hitting the sensitive skin on his neck.

"What's that?" he asked.

"You can open your eyes now." Jimin replied. "And it's something i bought for us. Go ahead, you can look now."

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