chapter twenty-three

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marinette's pov
   i took a deep breath and approached chloe slowly. she was rubbing her head, not having noticed that her necklace was gone.
   "is this yours?" she heard my voice and her face immediately twisted into an expression of hate. upon seeing her necklace, however, it softened. she snatched it and put it back around her neck.
   "how did you even get this?"
   "you were akumatized. my guess is that it had something to do with lila, since you kinda had it out to get her the whole time. wanna tell me what happened?"
   i extended my hand to help her up, and she seemed to think about it for a second before reluctantly grabbing it. still, she refused to tell me what was wrong.
   "why would i tell you? you're the one who stole my miraculous from me. do you know how embarrassing that was?" chloe said, and i was about to roll my eyes. hadn't we gone over this already? i looked at her face, though, and saw that chloe actually looked hurt. not just the fake pain, the one lila used to get everyone to like her, but the real one. it was obvious in her face, her stance, even in her voice.
   "chloe.. i didn't mean to embarrass you. i couldn't give it back to you because everyone knew your identity. you know that. and then, after everything that happened with hawkmoth... i'm sorry chloe."
   her face softened, and she looked down. "i know you are. you should be sorry. i was your biggest fan, you know. and i wish i could hate you, but lila, she's just completely ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! nobody really compares to how bad she is. i know she hates you too, and i really don't wanna be like her."
   i smirked. "is she worse than that marinette girl you told me about?"
   her brow furrowed, thinking the question over. "umm, yeah. she and i at least agree on some things. don't ever tell her i said that, though!"
   "don't worry, she won't find out. want me to walk you home, or can you manage on your own?"
   "i'll go by myself. don't let yourself think i'm still your fan, though! toodles!" chloe sauntered off, and i hurried to the alleyway chat had left me in. perfect timing, too, since i detransformed just as i landed.
   i handed tikki a macaroon and she took it gratefully. "maybe chloe isn't as evil as you thought, marinette."
   "yeah, maybe she isn't. oh, chat noir is coming! quick, tikki, hide!" she flew into my purse and i pulled out my phone, pretending that i had been on it the whole time.
   tikki was right. maybe chloe wasn't completely awful. maybe she could prove to be a good friend, some day in the far, far future.

(a/n: 1.1k reads ?/!/? U GUYS ARE SO AMAZING ILYSM PLS , tysm for so many reads yall i honestly cant believe ppl r actually reading and enjoying my work , i am so so grateful for each and every one of u ppl who tune in omg <333)

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