chapter two

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adrien's pov
   "come on adrien, what were you even going to tell her?" plagg asks me after i throw myself onto my bed. i should probably change out of my sweaty fencing clothes, but i'm too tired to do so.
   "i don't know, plagg. i don't even know why i called her over in the first place. i guess i just, felt like i had to talk to her, like something in me was forcing me to, you know?"
   "no, all i know is that cheese is still better than girls. as a matter of fact, i'm going to eat some right now, do you want any?" plagg flies to his small cheese stash in my drawer, and i shake my head, scrunching my nose up in disgust. he then disappears into the drawer, probably to down double his body weight in camembert.
   i sigh. marinette looked so sad before leaving, i wish i could cheer her up somehow. but the last time i tried that it completely backfired and just made her feel worse. i wish i was better at this whole friend thing. maybe then i could be as smooth as chat and cheer- THAT'S IT! i can go to her house as chat noir, and make her feel happier then! she seems much more comfortable around me
as chat than me as adrien anyway.
   "plagg! can you stop stuffing your face with cheese so i can transform? i've got a friend who needs some cheering up," i call, and after a few seconds, plagg- rather grudgingly- flutters out of the drawer.
   "who are we going to cheer up? and why do i need to transform you for that?"
   "i want to cheer marinette up; she seemed so sad when i talked to her today before fencing. i need you because maybe chat noir won't make a mistake like i will to somehow ruin our friendship, i really want to make her feel better," i tell him, and it's true. i don't want marinette to be sad, and even if it means going as chat noir, i am going to turn that frown upside down.
   "adrien, you don't need to be chat noir to impress or cheer anyone up you know. you're the same person! but if you really want this, i guessss-" before plagg can finish, i transform and leap out my window, careful not to make too much noise. i don't need nathalie or my father checking on an empty room.
   as i leap over rootops, i think about what i can do to cheer marinette up. take her some baked goods? no, her parents are the best bakers in paris, baked goods are around her 24/7. flowers? no, too cheesy. i guess i'll have to wing it?
i arrive at the dupain-cheng bakery and consider just hopping on marinette's balcony, but she's not there, so there's no point. besides, how cliche would that be? instead, i walk into the bakery through the doors and am immediately greeted by marinette's father, tom. he envelopes me in his large arms and i can't tell what's nicer, this much needed hug or the amazing smell of pastries.
"chat noir!! are you here to take some baking lessons? my offer still stands if you'd rather bake than be a super hero," mr. dupain says, and i chuckle.
"thanks mr. dupain, but i think we can save the lessons for later. i'm actually looking for marinette, is she here?" i ask, and a flash of confusion registers on his face. however, as soon as it appears, it disappears.
   "yes, she's actually in her room, go on up if you'd like, i'll bring you both some food in a bit," he says, and i drool a little at the thought of all these delicious pastries.
   "thanks!" i run up the stairs to marinette's house, and luckily find the door unlocked. running to marinette's room, i knock on her small trapdoor and hear an array of things falling above me.
"GAHH!" she screeches, and i laugh.
"hey, it's chat noir, can i come in?" i ask, and there's a slight moment of silence before she opens the door and lets me climb up.
"chat noir? no offense, i mean, i'm not kicking you out or anything," marinette giggles before her face becomes confused again, and she continues. "but, what are you doing here?" yikes. i didn't think she'd ask that, and i can't exactly tell her that i'm adrien and that i was worried for her well-being in school. so, i go for the best excuse i've got.
"well, we did say we were friends, right? and friends hang out with each other, so i decided to come here and, hang! is that not a purr-fect plan?" i grin, and she groans. the lack of appreciation for my- hilarious, might i add- pun makes me grin even harder, since this is just the way ladybug acts whenever i make a joke.
   "yeahh, so purr-fect," marinette emphasizes the last word, rolling her eyes and smiling. i walk over to her desk and find the wall unusually bare. i could have sworn last i was in here there were more pictures on her walls? sticky notes?
   "um, marinette if you don't mind me asking, have you been doing some remodeling? your walls look, empty," i ask, and she lets out a little sigh.
   "it's sort of, complicated," marinette smiles nervously before looking down. when she looks back up, i nod for her to continue. she creases her brows, as if wondering if she really should trust me. finally, her face softens and i sit on her chaise to listen.
   "ok so, basically, i lo-like, or, should i say, liked? yeah,  i liked this boy, from my class," she starts, and i frown slightly. a boy from class? i thought she liked luka. "i was, still sort of am, pretty crazy for him. and i really, really wanted to tell him, i wanted to see if maybe he liked me too, you know? but every. single. TIME i tried talking to him, my tongue would turn to goo, my legs felt like gelatin, and i couldn't even string an understandable thought near him. ugh, it was so tiring! so, i tried getting over him. i, failed, if it wasn't already obvious, because of a series of events that happened on our last school field trip. but when i finally decided i would tell him i liked him, today actually, i didn't freeze up. maybe i would have done it, but then this other girl, she came in and it was so obvious they liked each other, i didn't see a point in telling him my true feelings. so, now im here, taking down every picture of him i have in hopes that i can finally get over him," she finishes, giving me a sad smile as she curls her arms around herself and sits on her rolling chair across from me. i look at her, taking in what she just told me.
   "well, marinette, i know we've only met a few times, but you seem like a super great girl. if this boy doesn't like you, he's missing out," i tell her, giving her a pat on the shoulder. she laughs slightly and looks down at my hand, before looking back up at my face.
   "thank you, chat noir. i just want to be his friend, his friendship is important to me. if that's all we are, its enough for me," marinette says, and i lean back into the lounge. we stay silent for a bit, until she speaks again.
  "well, it's a bit past dinner, but it's still pretty light out, you want to maybe, go to the park? i'm sure my parents would love to give us some snacks for the way," she suggests, and my mouth waters. i grab her by the hand and push her towards the door.
    "everyone knows i can never say no to a good snack, purr-incess," i smirk, and she nods her head as she leads me downstairs.
   "is everything you say a CAT PUN???" she asks with an exasperated sigh.
   "of COURSE not! it would be quite claw-ful if i didn't have any different puns," i say, and she looks back at me, her brows narrowed. i know she's not mad, though, there's a slight sparkle in her eyes, and her lips are just barely turned up. the shift in her mood makes me smile (a/n : picture the "damn maybe im in love with my just a friend but even the deep parts of my brain dont want to admit it" smile, he'll be sporting it a lot in this fic ) as she turns away. i succeeded at cheering her up, and now we're going to eat pastries?
   i should definitely come over more often.

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