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Nick couldn't believe his ears. They loved each other? How could that happen? Loki loved himself and never anyone. Except Freda his mother. But he was broken. And Nick knew that. And that's what surprises him. When Nick sent her file to the agency he never expected her to fall in love with a god who was evil.

"But he's changed, he has turned over a new leaf, he's different and he would do anything to save her, so we have that going," Bruce said. In walked Korg.

"Hey everyone," he said. Thor looks at Korg.

"Korg buddy where have you been," Thor asked. Nick stood up.

"Oh, well, I was just visiting with some friends, what's going on and where is Beth," he asked. Thor drops his head.

"Her and Loki were taken, or they gave themselves up to TVA," Thor said. Korg looked sad.

"Oh no, my master and my friend, both, this isn't good, well let's go get them," he said. Thor walked over to him.

"Buddy, we are, but not for two days I'll fill you in on the plan, and since when is he your master," Thor asked. Nick asked the same.

"Well remember when we fought Helena, yeah then, he saved us from the grand master, so we claimed him as our master," Korg said. Thor nods.

"Ah, okay, well, I'll fill you in," he said. Korg nods. Nick walks up to Falcon or Captain.

"I hope you will lead them to victory, if this goes south you have to kill her," Nick said. Captain looked at him.

"I will kill Diadra if she harms Beth," he said. Nick shakes his head.

"Not Diadra Captain," Nick says. The Captain looks at him in disbelief.

"Nick I can't do that, she's part of our team," he said. Nick pulls him aside.

"Captain, if this goes south, and this happens, that's it, she could I wish it, but someone else will come along and get to her, we cannot allow that to happen," Nick said. Captain nods to him.

"I understand," he says. Nick nods. And he excuses himself.

"I must be going but I will keep in touch with you all, good luck," He says walking out. Captain didn't want to kill Beth. But knowing what she's really capable of was scary. And if he had to choose her or the world he would choose the world.


Two days had gone and passed. The team was getting ready to head to the debate. They had stayed in the company hotel in Washington. Just so they could be there for the debate. Nick decided to phone in to Captain and Listen to everything. Thor and Bruce readied themselves. But hid well. They didn't want to chance Diadra seeing them.

Wanda and Nebula went with Korg, to the back of the stage where they seen Loki, and Beth. Both of them were guarded by 4 guards. Diadra wasn't in sight. So nebula used her ear piece to phone into Bucky and Barton.

"I found them, there are four guards but no sign of Diadra," Nebula said. Wanda nods to Nebula. They run behind some trees a few feet away.

"Good job Nebula, we will take it from here," Barton says. He nods to Bucky. They reach the side stage. Everyone was wearing normal attire. With vests to keep bullets and power from killing them.

"Hold on Barton, there's a woman beside of Beth now, it has to be Diadra," Nebula says. Barton doesn't move. Wanda decides to use her power to raise a chair from the side stage and throw it off It clanks off the side and Diadra hears. Loki does to and he looks around. And he sees Wanda behind the tree motioning him to look away. He did as she asked. Diadra leaves.

"She's gone, do it now," Nebula said.

As Bucky spits two tranquilizer darts at the two guards holding Loki, the others were looking away. Loki looks behind him. He grabs the guards keys and sneaks the key into his pocket. And he sees Bucky motioning him over. He backs away slowly and then sprints. He Rachel's Bucky.

"We have to get you out of these Thor will explain everything but right now she needs to go on stage," Bucky said. Loki looks back as Bucky in locks his shackles. And his hands go free.

"Are you mad, she wants her to manipulate everyone into voting her as ruler of the us or better term president, she's deluded," he said. Bucky nods.

"Yes and SHE needs to go on stage," Bucky said. Loki gave him a confused look. He gives Loki the extra earpiece.

"Thor, he can hear you," Bucky says. Barton watches for other guards.

"Loki, brother, you need to be Beth for a few minutes, in order to save her, we need you to become her, and go up on that stage in her place," Thor speaks. He looks at a Bucky and Bucky nods. They hand him the hand cuffs that are just a replica of theirs. It wouldn't keep him from changing.

"Will it save Beth," Loki asks. Bucky nods.

"Yes brother, we believe it will, but Loki, she has the power to wish anything true, if she truly wants it and if they threaten anyone-"

"She'll do it, alright I'll be Beth but the minute she is out of harms way, you leave with her, I'll take care of the rest," Loki says.

"We will allow the girls to take her but we will deal with Modiur and Diadra, he's a puppet too," Thor says. Loki looks confused. Bucky takes the ear piece and turns it down and hands it back to him. And he nods to Loki. As he concentrated, Loki glowed gold for a second and then he appeared as on Beth Thomas.

"Do I sound like her," he asked in her voice. Bucky looked at him.

"Yes but you're not her, so hurry up and switch places before the guards wake up," he said, spitting his last two tranquilizers at the other two holding Beth.

They went down. Beth looked behind her and seen, her. And Loki motioned for her to come to her. She was hesitant at first until she seen Bucky and Barton. Then she ran to them. And as she tan to them she remembered that Loki could change into anyone.

"Loki?" She asked herself. He nods.

"I'm going on for you love, so go with Nebula and Wanda, turns out our Diadra wanted a little more than mind control," he says. She looks to Wanda and nebula who was running to her. Gamora stayed behind the tree. She had a plan too.

"Okay but please be careful," she said to him. He nods to her. And she looks at Barton and Bucky.

"Protect him at all costs," she said. They nod to her. And she leaves with the girls.

Loki joined back up with the guards in his fake shackles looking like Beth. They wake up to see her standing there but no Loki. And they alert Diadra that Loki had escaped. But Beth was still there. She informed them she was the one they needed. But it wasn't her. And she didn't know that. Diadra comes back stage. By this time Beth was in the ship and safe.

"We are ready."

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