"Shit," Beth said. Loki looked to her, in amusement. It was funny seeing her curse like that. Thor continued to get closer to her, hammer in his hands. What was he going to do, beat her to death? Loki stands strong as he normally would, waiting for Thor to arrive. But he just keeps going. Nothing changes. It's like a time loop. And then Loki looks beside of Beth and sees that Dr. Strange has now decided to join them, causing Thor to be stuck in a loop. Bucky was not effected but he turns around and looks at the wizard.

"Dude, really," Bucky asks. Bucky crosses his arms.

"Well, this is entertaining, but maybe you two should get him back in his cell," he says. Beth nods to Dr. Strange and grabs Loki by the arm, pulling him behind her.

Once they are inside, Loki returns to his chambers. He is smiling, and this was genuine. More than he ever had. Days and weeks he had been struggling and now he was actually smiling. Because they broke a rule and he was amused. Dr. Strange had helped them escape from Thor. But that wouldn't be the end. Beth would hear it. And Bruce, he tried to help, telling Thor that she was just trying to help, but Thor was bull headed.

Loki sat in his cage waiting for Beth to return to him. He was so excited to see her and after that day, his attitude with her would change. He respected her. He likes her. And he was confused because he didn't like anyone. But he thought a lot of her. But she didn't return. In the meeting room, Thor was so upset. He was panting hard and you could see his veins.

"AFTER I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET HIM OUT," he screamed. She was trying to keep it together. But it was hard to hold on.

"Thor just listen he told me things.."

"I'm sure he did, and you believed him, what is wrong with you," he asked. Bucky tried to speak up but Beth shook her head.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You assigned him to me.."

"Which was a mistake, you're getting to close Beth, he's a trickster, he can't be trusted," he said. She places a hand on her hip.

"Really, because it seems like the only one he trusts around here with anything is me, and let's be honest aside from Bruce and Bucky he's the only one I trust," she said. He looked at her squinting his eyes. And realization wipes over his face.

"Beth do you like him," he asks. She rolls her eyes and throws her hand up.

"Geez, I trust him, that has nothing to do with my feelings Thor, he's been through hell those guys have prodded his brain, they showed him, himself from the other timeline, Frigga, fighting along side you at Asgard, all of it," she said. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"You are to stay away from him, at least until you're head is thinking straight," he said. She gets defensive again.

"Are you kidding me, I've gotten further than any of you, have you even tried to go see him, he is alone, and other than me and Bruce he has no one," she said, in a calm voice. He trust a to her. Studying her. And he is still playing hard ball.

"Stay away, Bucky keep her away from his cell, until her head is thinking straight," he said. She looked at Bucky he didn't say anything.

"Screw all of you," she said walking out. And that's what she done.

She walks out. Outside where Korg is. He is sitting outside eating tacos. He offers her one when he sees her but she's to upset. She had spent almost three weeks with Loki and was making progress and Thor ripped that from under her. He was so irrational. He assigned it for her and now she was off of the case.

In the cell Loki waited for Beth to come in. Bucky walks in, with a regrettable look about him. Loki stands up, coming to the door, he doesn't realize yet that she wasn't aloud to come back for a while. Bucky didn't want to tell him because he had seen the way he was with her. Why didn't he tell Thor? Was it his like for her that kept him from saying anything? Or the fear that she had feelings for him?

"Where's Beth," Loki asks him. Bucky shakes his head. Bruce also wonders.

"Thor took her off your case, he said she wasn't thinking straight and forbid her to come back in here," Bucky said. Loki felt a stabbing pain in his chest. He felt, betrayed by his brother again. Beth understood him and now she was not aloud to visit or come in to see him.

Bucky left, Loki looked at Bruce. He dropped on the floor. He would not be working with her either. Thor really didn't think it through. Loki was in pain and he was hurt. She was sweet and gentle. And cared about him more than anyone else had. Much like his mother. It seemed Everytime he got close, Thor tipped his heart out. His tears were beginning to show. And he was angry. He was so angry.

"AAAHHH," he screams. Bruce grunts. That was his sly way of agreeing. Thor went to far. And he would pay for this. He looked at Bruce.

"Bruce, we may not like each other much, but he took her from you too," Loki said. He knew that. But he didn't say a word.

Loki nods and sits in his corner. Picking up a book to read it. It wasn't the same without Beth. She would sometimes read it aloud. And he liked that she spoke softly. Was he getting feelings for her? Was this some sort of swoon? He liked her sure, but what more than that? He would have told her everything, but now she was banned from him. Thor walks in, hands behind his back. Loki glances up, eyes red from holding back tears. Loki glares at him.

"Loki," Thor says. Loki shuts his book.

"Come to gloat," he asks. Thor shakes his head.

"Let's not do this brother," Thor says. Loki chuckles sarcastically. And he get up from where he stands and walks over to the glass.

"Let's," he says. Thor shakes his head and paces.

"Loki, we want to help..."

"No, Beth wanted to help and you banned her from ever coming in here," he said loudly, banging his hand against the glass. Thor nods.

"She was warned to listen, you can't be trusted," Thor said. Loki puts his head on his arm, over the glass.

"She trusted me," he said. Thor squints his eyes.

"And did you trust her brother, you don't always trust people, so tell me, did you," he asks. He releases himself to back away.

"More than you," he says picking his book up. Thor nods and looks to Bruce. Bruce turns away. Thor knew in that moment Bruce was mad too. He took Beth away from both of them. And Thor didn't know it but at the time it was a mistake.

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