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Loki tried to ignore Beth for three days he wouldn't talk to her. Getting close causes heartache. And he knew if this was not done right, that stone wouldn't be the only thing destroyed. He didn't want Beth to perish along with the stone. He cared for her. And if something happened to her, he would never forgive himself. He's stayed with Nebula and Ant boy more than he has with her. And she knew he was upset but this was her choice.

"Beth, I got it, BETH," Bruce says yelling her name. They were working on the titanium ring to hold the stone. Something that was hard to destroy with heat.

"It's finished Beth," Bruce said. She moved closer to him. The size seven titanium ring, with the shape of the stone cut out. And this was a finished ring. She could now use it.

"Alright, let's grab this and go tell the others, Nebula will need to grab the stone," Beth said.

Bruce grabs the ring, and Beth. And he runs out. He's so excited he can barely contain his excitement. With the ring in one hand and Beth in the other, he ran to Thor who was standing outside with Nebula, Loki and Ant man. When Thor seen them he stopped in his tracks and looks at them. Loki notices the ring and his face drops.

"So it is finished, three days and it's finished, I'll grab the stone," Nebula says. She leaves to go inside. Thor is given the ring, and he holds the small ring in his hand. Admiring it. Silver titanium and very thick. Loki looks at Beth and his face is sad. He has no idea what will happen but he doesn't want to risk her life.

"Good job you two, you make a great team," Thor says. Bruce lays a hand on her shoulder. She pats it.

"Great friends come from high places," she said. She did think a lot of him.

"Well, when will this surge take place," Loki asks. She looks at him. She knew he didn't like it.

"Tomorrow, everyone will meet in the meeting room, and it will begin," she says. He nodded.

"Well, at least we have another day, one only knows what will happen in the rise of the surge tomorrow, I guess we should celebrate," Loki says being sarcastic. And she gets it.

"That's a splendid idea, let's go celebrate, we may have a chance after all," Thor smiles. Great, right? Loki was only being a sarcastic trickster.

"Now wait a second, shouldn't we celebrate AFTER we do this surge," Beth asks. Thor looks at Bruce and Ant man.

"You're right," Thor says. Nebula joins them again. With the stone. She hands it to Thor. Loki watches him carefully. And Beth watches Loki.

"Maybe I should hold on to it, I will be the one wearing it," Beth said. Thor looks at her and nods. He hands her the stone and the ring. She placed the stone in the ring and puts it back in the box it was in.

"Good it'll be safe with me," she says looking at Loki. He turns away. He had planned to steal it from Thor but it would be hard to do so, if she was harvesting it, she would know if someone was coming in. Plus, she would be in the cell tonight. And he knew Bruce would be there.

"Well, I guess we should plan a celebration party tomorrow night. Just in case it works," Bruce says. Loki looks at him.

"Are you mad, if she dies trying to turn this power surge on, there will be a funeral not a party, what is wrong with the lot of you," he says. They all stop and look at him.

"Have you been listening to me, I am not lying to you, it almost destroyed Thanos, and killed Tony, do you honestly think she holds a chance," he asks. She clears her throat and looks around.

"In both of their defenses they were harboring all the stones not just one," she said. Loki snickers.

"Right, okay well, forgive me I've been corrected, that doesn't matter, one stone can cause death to someone who doesn't hold god like power, if you die, it is your own negligence I tried warning all of you, and I cared more than the few of you ever did," he said turning around, his cloak swaying. But he walked away.

"In the light of things he is right," Nebula said. There was a ping of jealousy in Beth when Nebula spoke about him like that.

"There's a chance she will die, if it isn't done exactly as she said," Nebula said. Thor looked at Beth.

"Beth my brother may be many things but he wouldn't lie about anything this important, so, it's your choice," Thor said. She nods and swallows a lump in her throat. She was trying to understand just how powerful this stone was. But it was one stone.

"I'm still going through with this," she said. He nods. Nebula shrugs. And Beth walks away as well. She knew the risk and she thought it was worth taking. As long as they all knew what they were up against. His looks, actions, words alone, that was enough. And she wanted him to know they weren't afraid of him.

"What if she dies," Nebula asks. Thor looks towards the building.

"Then she died trying to save us all, but it's her choice, we can't decide anything for her," he says. She nods. Beth walks into the building and is out of sight.

"Just pray to the gods she survives this, not for her sake, but for Loki's," Thor says. Nebula looks confused at him.

"Seems my brother fancies a certain mind manipulator, and she fancies him, my brother has never been this connected, if something should happen to her, he would go insane, probably try to kill us all, and we couldn't stop him," he says.

"And why do you think that," Ant man asks.

"Because bug, love is serious and when you loose someone you love, it's no longer safe for anyone to be around, because love is the fuel to any power," Thor says.

"So he would be fueled by heartbreak," Nebula asks.

"Indeed he would."

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