Twenty- four

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Thor and the others had devised a plan. They would take the company ship(Space ship) and would land it a few miles from the coast. Thor would use his hammer to fly over. Wanda would use her power to float over. And of course Bruce could swim through the water and the others would take a boat over. This gave everyone a heads up. Because Thor, Bruce and Wanda would scope the place. Captain would give the others the okay to go inside. Nebula and Gamora would go underground planting bombs, to blow up the place. Only seemed right.

"Bucky, at all costs you save Beth, do not let them have her, we go in two days, they won't be expecting us, and they need her," Thor said. Bucky stepped closer.

"You have my word, I will save her," he said. Thor nods to him. Barton came in with his serious face.

"Thor, I just got word from someone, there's a woman, names Diadra, she wants Beth to use her power to manipulate her into becoming president of the us and something tells me it's not for the people," Barton says. He was right. Diadras plan was an awful ploy.

"How long do we have," Thor asks. Barton shrugs.

"The election is in two days time, she's going to try and use her to get those votes and if Diadra gets it, there will be a war," Barton says. Bucky steps up.

"We have to go now," Bucky says. Captain steps up.

"Maybe there's a way at the debate there is always a debate right, well what if we go as civilians, and we can save them there, we can evacuate the city of Washington I can alert the president, and have him evacuate before that happens," captain spoke. Thor paced.

"Wait, don't do that, the more people the less suspicious she will be if we show up, I have a better idea," Thor said.

"Loki is not going to like this, but if I can get to him, he can help us, by becoming Beth, we can switch him with her, and hide her away until the debate is over, it's full proof," Thor said. Bucky nods.

"Okay but how do we get to Loki, he will be in chains and not the good kind," Barton said as he was being a cheeky devil. Thor snapped his attention to him.

"You take out the guards that are guarding him, and then, take the keys and unlock his shackles and bring him to me, I'll explain it to him," Thor said. They nod.

"Well, this is a great plan," Nick fury said entering the room. They hadn't heard from him in so long they were beginning to wonder if he survived.

"Nick," Captain said. He grins.

"Hey cap, how is the suit and shield treating you," he asked. Captain nods.

"Not as well as Steve but it is pretty good and I'm so glad you came back," he said as hugged him. Nick chuckled.

"Yes well, I heard the chatter, seems Diadra wants to rule the people and Modiur is just a puppet himself, and he doesn't even realize," Nick says. Thor steps closer.

"What do you know of Diadra," Thor says. Nick sits down in the chair.

"Well, we use to train together at the agency before she left. She wanted to be the leader but I was better qualified so, she vowed revenge one day and joined as head of TVA now she's found a way to control all the people into making her the head of all operations," he said.

"President." Barton said. Nick nods.

"I guess I should have locked her away then but I thought a lot of her, I was wrong, and now she holds one of the most powerful weapons known to man and woman," he said. That confused the lot of them.

"Beth isn't just mind controlling, she has the power to destroy whatever she wants, she just doesn't know it yet," Nick said. Thor was confused. Bruce walks in.

"Nick," he said. Nick chuckles.

"Bruce, how are ya buddy," Nick asks. Bruce nods.

"Never greener," Bruce laughs. Nick chuckles.

"Well I was telling the team that Beth is powerful, when she was nine she caused an accident, it was just an accident but she caused it. I've studied her files for years, that's the very first time she had discovered she had power," Nick stopped. He stood up and handed Thor a file.

"Beth was admitted to a foster home and she caused some damage there as well, by accident of course but she put one child in the ICU because she wished for him to fall and break his neck, and that he did," he paused, " but she only did it because she really wished for it, truly, she has the power to make anything happen."

"So she's dangerous and we didn't know it," Thor said. Nick shook his head.

"No she isn't, she just learned to control her self, and that's why she doesn't like using her power, she knows what she's capable of, one true wish, and it's hers, that's why Diadra needs her," Nick said. Bucky looks at Bruce.

"So miss Elizabeth Thomas is a wisher," Falcon asked(Captain).

"Exactly, and Loki is also in danger of Diadra gets what she wants, because she wants Loki dead," Nick said. Thor snapped his head at Nick.

"But she wouldn't do that," Thor said. Nick was confused.

"Nick she would never wish Loki dead, she'd wish herself dead before that happened," Bruce said. He was really confused as to why. He hadn't known the reason. And he couldn't understand why she wouldn't.

"Well, is there a reason, I mean Loki is, well Loki," Nick says. Thor looks at Bucky and Bruce.

"Nick Beth loves him," Bruce said. His eyes get wide. And he sits up faster than lighting.

"I'm sorry did you say she loves him," he asked. Bruce nods.

"She spent a lot of time with him and he changed sir, she has fallen for him," Bruce said.

"And what about Loki," he asks. Looking at Thor. Thor looks at Bruce and back to Nick.

"He loves her."

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