Chapter 25

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Bella P.O.V

I groan in pain, trying to move but I couldn't do much. There was no way for me to know where I was, stupid darkness. From afar I can hear the frustrating Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, that's my hint that I'm probably in the hospital.

Hospital? What happened to Tanya? Did they get her? Did she run away? Did she take Bruno with her? Did she hurt him? What about Edward? Did she hurt him? Jacob?

The beep starts accelerating when I look for his hand and he's not there. There's no one here.

"Edward?!" I cried, "Edward!"

"Bella, Bella," I felt a soft hand touch my face. "Sweetheart, it's okay."

"Car-Carlisle," I sobbed.

"Hey, I'm here, sweetie," he kissed my forehead, "everything is okay." He wraps his hands around me and hugs me, not too tight so he wouldn't hurt me. "Everything is okay," he rubbed my back.

"My body hurts," I cry.

"It's okay, you'll be a little sore for a couple of days and you'll be alright," he said against my hair. "I'll give you medicine and everything will be fine."

"Where's Edward? My son? Did... Did she hurt them..."

"Hey, don't panic," he said, "he's okay and Bruno, he's here. They're okay."

"Wait," I said, unable to believe him. I back away and find a way to find his face in between my hands. "Are... are you saying that... that my son, he's here?" I laugh or cry, I can't really be sure. "My son! He's here!"

"Yes, Bella, he's here," he laughed. "Edward is with him right now."

"Bring him to me," I beg, "please, I want to hold him."

It seems like an eternity waiting for him to bring Edward and Bruno here. My impatience grows and grows. My heart pounds harder with every second that goes by. There's a little ticklish feels on my spine, and my hands start getting sweaty. After a little while Mom comes in the room and waits with me. I literally feel like I could jump up and down my bed but my body is too sore to do anything right now.

Once I hear the door open, my troat gets caught in a naught.

"Edward?" I say, my voice cracking.

"I'm here," he says, taking my hand in his. He places soft kisses on it. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you woke up."

"Hey, it's okay," I say, touching his soft face, "you were with Bruno, right?"

"Yeah. Bella, he's amazing, looks just exactly like you," he said. "Carlisle is just doing a check up and he'll bring him here."

I smiled, reaching out so he can hug me. I haven't felt this happy since Edward proposed to me. My heart now beats for a reason, Edward and Bruno. My fiancee and my son.

My little moment of happiness is ruined when a thought come in my mind. What happened to Tanya?

"Where's... Where's Tanya?" I ask, pulling away.

Edward lets out a loud sigh, "You injured her," he said, "but she still managed to take my care and flee. I'm sorry, Love."

"She's still out there!" I cry out. No, no, no! She's out there, probably planning her next attack. My son, he's in danger. Edward, my love is in danger. My mother, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme... all of them are in danger.

"Bella, she won't come anywhere near you or Bruno, I promise," Edward said, trying to calm him down.

"Please, Edward, she can hurt anybody. I can lose him, again, or anybody, Edward, I can't, I can't."

"Jacob is doing everything he can to find her," Mom says, trying also to calm me down. "She's injured, she can't go anywhere far."

I start sobbing against Edward's chest, scared. My body starts to shake with fear, fear of what could happen if Tanya tries to hurt anyone from my family.

"Please, don't let her hurt him," I cry.

The door opens again, and there's steps. That's when I recognize the little babbling.

"Bella," Carlisle said, "there's someone who wants to meet you."

Edward moves a little, giving me more space and Mom moves away also. With my shaking arms, I reach out. Last time I did this, he was taken away from me, now he's here. It's really hard to beeath, my heart is pounding so fast it could possibly hurt. Edward supports my arms a little with his hands, helping them from shaking too much.

Then, I feel him. A small, warm body is placed on my arms. I grip him and bring him against my chest.

"Oh, my God," I sobbed. "Bruno, my baby Bruno," I sob, silently. "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry. I promise that as long as I live, I won't let anybody hurt you. I love you so, so much." I kiss his soft forehead and carefully touch his face. He's warm, soft. He has chubby cheeks and long hair, it's kind of curly. "I love you, so, so, much. I promise I will never let go."

"Careful, Bella," Edward said, wrapping his arm over my shoulders. "He has your hair, your face but with my eyes."

"I want to re-try the operation," I suddenly say without even thinking. What am I talking about? Of course, I want to re-try the operation. I want to be able to see my son grow, see him take his first steps, his first day of kindergarten, everything.

"Bella, are you sure?" Edward asked.

I nod. "Once Tanya gets caught, I want to re-try the operation, again. I need to see, Edward, for him, for you, Mom-"

"Bella, calm down," Carlisle said. "One step at the time. First, you need to feed Bruno, have you stopped producing milk?"


"Okay, well, he's gonna need it. He needs the right nutrition, he needs you. After that, I think we all need a rest from all this."

Maybe, he's right.

"Yeah," I said. I hold Bruno up against my chest, I feel like I never want to let him go. "I love you, Bruno."

Author's Note:

Time to protect Baby Bruno! Now, Bella and Edward have to be more careful now they have Bruno back! :O

Also: who here knows how to dance Burlesque? Not the movie lol xD recently my mom subscribed me in a Cardio Cabaret classes which is a mix of Jazz and Burlesque haha I'm excited because on April 12 we're having a recital dancing All About That Bass, ET, and Birthday Cake.

February 26, 2015




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