Chapter 34

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Bella P.O.V

I immediately close my eyes, scared. What if it didn't work? What if my kids grow up with a mother that will never be able to see them grow. I'm too scared to figure that out. I'm too scared that Edward is probably going to be disappointed if this doesn't work.

"Bella." I can smell his sweet scent. His hands are gently placed on my lap. He's kneeling in front of me, I can feel him. He takes my hand and places it on his cheek. "Open them."

"I'm too scared," I sob.

"Don't be. This is going to work, Love." He kisses my hand. "I'm here, Bella, and I love you with all my heart. If you see or not, I'm always going to be here."

Tears slowly start pouring down my cheeks, my body shakes as I hold back the feeling of crying. I'm scared.

"But, I need to open your eyes, slowly. I'm here, Bella, I'll be the first thing you see," he promised. Then his soft lips are against mine and he gives me a loving, passionate kiss. "Open them."

I take a deep breath and nod. My eyes start to open once again, slowly, letting them adjust.

It's all a blur, I see a blur of colors, colors! I squeeze my eyes shut and slowly open them up, again. Am I dreaming? Am I seriously dreaming? Or is that blur real?

This time I let my eyes fully open. The blur is going away, there's no darkness. No darkness! There's a squeeze in my hand. I look down and I can finally see! My hand. I see my pail left hand. Tears run down my cheeks, I sob like crazy. I'm see, that's my hand... and his... another pail hand holding mine. It's bigger than mine, I don't look up yet. I follow the arm, up his muscular bicep, to his dark blue shirt. Blue, oh how much I missed that color. Up to his shoulders, I touch his face, he's real. I look up and my eyes meet his. His piercing green eyes, beautiful. They're big and round, his lips are full, pinkish color. Is jaw is squared, his skin is this beautiful creamy color.... his hair is bronze and messy...

"Bella," his lips move, "can you...?"

I crash my lips to his, not wanting to let go. I see! For God's sakes, I can see! This is Edward! The man I love! The man I've been dreaming to see ever since we met!

"Oh, my God." I pull away and touch his beautiful, handsome face. "I can see you! You're here! You're real!" I sob. "You're real!"

"Yeah, Love." Small tears start forming in his beautiful eyes. "I'm here. I'm real."

"I... I never want to stop looking at you... I feel like you're gonna disappear."

"No, I'm not. I'm never going to disappear, Bella. I'm here, and I love you." He kisses me.


I turn to my right and there's a little boy. He's standing there. His hair is chocolate, his skin is creamy and his eyes shine with the same green as his father's.

"Bruno!" I get up and take him in my arms. "My baby! My baby! I love you so much!" I cried.

"I love you, Mommy."

"Let Mommy see you," I pull away and look at his beautiful tiny face. "My God, baby, you're so handsome. Just like Daddy." I start kissing his tiny face. "I love you!"

"Katherine," he says.

I turn and look at Edward, who's now standing up and is taller then from what I expected, holding my baby girl. Bronze curls, same skin as us, with my chocolate eyes. Her tiny arms reach out to me and a big smile spreads across her tiny face. Edward takes Bruno and I take Katherine, giving her kisses, hugging her tightly. Crying.

Edward hugs me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I looked around and my mother caught my sight! My sight! Oh. God.

"Mom!" I give Katherine to Edward and give my mom a big, tight hug. "Mom!" I cried.

It was such an amazing thing. I saw for the first time the people that I love the most. Carlisle was tall, blonde, handsome with Edward's green eyes. Esme had that bronze hair, pail skin and a motherly smile. Alice, now I get why Edward called her a pixie, she's almost as small as I am. Her hair is short and points in so many different directions. She's all Esme's face. Jasper... God, Jasper and Rosalie looked so much alike, only with the exception of their gender. Both were blonde, tall and green eyes. Emmett, when I felt that first hug when we met I thought it was a human bear, now I can totally see it. He's tall, black hair, clear eyes and I can totally see he works out constantly.

I can't believe this, I can't. I'm able to see. I saw my family for the first time. I saw the man I love for the first time. My kids. My mother after all these years.

Edward took a blindfold and put it on me again.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as they lead me out of the hospital.

"Because I want you to show you something," he said as we walked out. The fresh air softly hit my face when we were outside. "Bella," he said, "this is the sunset you've been waiting to see all these years."

He takes the blindfold off and I finally see it. I see it. The sun setting up at the horizon. The familiar heat hits my pail skin, I can feel it. The sky is turning into this mixture of red, orange, yellow and pink-ish colors. God, I missed these colors so much. My eyes water again. I can't believe this been in front of me my entire life but I was never able to see it. Now, with the man I love by my side, I see it.

I turn to Edward. God, I never want to stop looking at him. This beautiful man fell in love with me ignoring my disability.

I take his face between my hands and kiss him one more time. "I love you," I cried. "God, I love you so much."

"I love you more, my Bella," he says, wrapping his arms around me. "Forever and Always."

"Always," I repeat before kissing him one more time.

Author's Note:

No, this is not the end. Yet. I'm still thinking about which story would be good to publish. Unconditionally didn't convince me much so I changed it to My Best Friend's Wife, different description but almost the same idea.

May 2, 2015




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